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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. what did they give and to whom?
  2. oh, look. the voice of reason is here. the same guy who said he teaches 'America is the leading cause of terror' to his teenage students is now mad someone is criticizing america.
  3. btw. our government just gave $100m to a terror organization. great stuff.
  4. what's your point? it's demonstrably true. someone can be a bad person but also be accurate on a lot of stuff. but go ahead and stomp your feet if it makes you feel better. same reason you voted for biden.
  5. yet here you are defending inaccuracy. (whilst also contradicting your own words on another topic. lol)
  6. this was your quote "You lose them at ‘bi-partisan’. Most in that corner of conservatism are not capable." and it's totally incongruent from the above reply. jfc.
  7. do you know what the word 'supposed' means? do you also recognize that one outlet can be reputable and publish an article someone considers helpful and also write a separate article that's false or misleading? or do i need to explain it in greater detail? again, you're proving my point. the same whack jobs on these boards that cried about twitter misinformation under elon are now defending media for publishing misinformation? make up your minds.
  8. if you think that the right is more tribal and obstinate then the left, i don't trust any perspective you have other than cooking meat.
  9. only two options: A) the election was rigged B) the election was fair and the people of america, in record numbers, made the worst decision in its history.
  10. another moron. supposed reputable outlet posts fake news. people talk about 'the news'. you're making my point for me, dipshit.
  11. what is this supposed to mean?
  12. ffs, there's a gigantic difference between being a responsible, reputable news outlet and anyone 'parroting' what is/was posted. is the irony lost upon you? that's the point, genius.
  13. several sources have said that Hamas rockets misfire/fail 1 in 4 or 1 in 3 times.
  14. accuracy. idk what is true and what isn't about the hospital, but don't run a story that you don't know to be true. especially one sure to spark global outrage. so, accuracy and responsibilty.
  15. i found this article helpful https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/17/mapping-the-israel-palestine-war-major-events-on-the-ground
  16. how is it paranoia when that's precisely what the Dems have been doing/attempting?
  17. Seeds and Previews in here (paywall) https://rokfin.com/stack/1731/Super-32-Preview-Hub
  18. i think Indiana does the same thing as Ohio. i.e. - i think the Coaches Association holds state duals.
  19. meanwhile
  20. please tell me you've never procreated.
  21. the DNC is more crooked than Hillary. there's nothing 'democratic' about their process. they ran Tulsi out. They blackballed Bernie. and now they blackballed RFK JR, the only person on the left that had any appeal.
  22. so first you said 'wealth redistribution' is necessary to be a leftist and then you said 'Trump did it'. make up your mind. as far as what i think (which doesn't much matter) i was against the Covid relief checks initially but i understood that it was a worldwide pandemic and a unique situation. I thought each additional release of funds was ridiculous. and yes, i know it was started under trump. a couple weeks after businesses opened back up, i went to a bar in downtown Easton. The bartender started making small talk and i asked if things had been slow. he said 'no, we've been busier than usual.' i said 'why's that, you think.' he said, 'there's a lot of rift raft that usually hadn't had money but now they got the government checks.' as far as ag subsidies... idk. i frankly don't know enough about it. and there's a 'price control' factor in there to consider. generally speaking, i don't most measures of wealth redistribution. nor do i think it's a prerequisite to be a democrat. if it is, you're supporting my point that the left has taken a radical turn. so idk what your point is. thanks, i guess.
  23. you can't be serious. all those places have turned into dumpsters. and the major cities in the US with policies and sympathies that align with them are equal shitholes.
  24. you're full of shit and misinfo, Bernard. you're clearly half crocked. Bernie is a mfing socialist. there's nothing 1950's about the amount of support he got. which is, your moron sympathizers actually had him in the race in 2016. but oh yeah, the crooked as ever DNC railroaded him. i'm now questioning all you've posted. idiot.
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