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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. ^^^ for all the lib mouthbreathers that retort but but but the Republicans are blocking the (non existent) bill.
  2. bye, bye, New Yorkers. you got less then a decade
  3. no surprise lefties look at someone thru the lens of what they are and where they came from. identity politics is why you nitwit losers are going down. the only thing that should matter to 'the working man' are policies - not station/creed/color. get your head outta your ass.
  4. you'll be banned tomorrow. thanks for playing.
  5. you're like a child who listens to nothing but msm. you don't have the slightest clue, do you? maybe look some stuff up. it's very clear your knowledge of world affairs is limited to the prevailing narrative.
  6. did you just compare and international ruse, the embezzlement of a foreign nation's disaster relief fund, and murder of political threats to going 1 mile over the speed limit? at this point you must be trolling.
  7. you're still not posting anything of substance. either make a point, provide context, or add data/link/evidence. consider yourself warned. you add nothing.
  8. you guys ffin serious right now? power lines? lol
  9. are you saying the maui fires were due simply to down power lines?
  10. she mispoke when she said EMPs. she meant DEWs but everyone familiar with the situation knew what she meant
  11. i just want you to answer the question - is hillary guilty of crimes - yes or no?
  12. what the hell does that mean? two posts ago she did nothing wrong. now she did, but we should just move on? you're a piece of work
  13. yep. hillary clinton: clean as a whistle. you're really dialed in to things, pal. try looking up "steele dossier" or Haiti Relief Fund Embezzlement or Benghazi or look into the 56 friends of hers that 'committed suicide'
  14. is it possible for you to respond with something of substance?
  15. i think that's a good idea. hopefully encourages others to start leagues or whatever.
  16. i'll say this too - unless anyone holds china and india accountable for emissions the rest of the globe's efforts are pointless.
  17. and i'm begging you to get rid of your pets in the name of fake science
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