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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. true story, i'm in a fantasy football league (ran by David Taylor) with Suds Dubler's dad.
  2. 1. we both know the admin knew what they were doing with this declaration. 2. it's not just about this they're scumbags
  3. This administration is scum.
  4. i can't stop shaking with fear
  5. in today's U.S., anything this side of insanity makes you a right winger.
  6. Drill baby. Drill.
  7. if it wasn't clear prior, it's now official. you ain't bright. your justification for not vetting and massive violence by illegal immigrants is that at one time the US government might have done bad things in their native country? that's your rationale?
  8. how clinically insane do you have to be to equate 1 politicians WORDS with the insane crisis and action that is going on with illegal immigrants. go back to grad school and get another degree in south american pottery ya nut bag.
  9. cite any 'study' you wish to say that illegal immigrants committing crime is anecdotal and a lower rate. who in their right mind believes that? every day there are new, verified stories. horrific stories. one is too F'ING many. maybe you missed the F'Ing 'illegal' part of 'illegal immigrants'. or maybe you won't totally understand until it happens to someone you know. but i doubt that would even make a dent in your woke ass beetle brain. frankly, i think society, college (and perhaps your parents) failed to instill values in you. and i wish you'd go away. no one likes you here and you smell.
  10. good work, WKN. that Mesenbrink ranking will haunt me for all eternity.
  11. i'll give it a shot: "Ignore your eyes and ears and all that is common sense. Instead, look at this psychobabble. Preventable violent crimes will still occur, but you can trick yourself into getting over it."
  12. i don't believe the CIA is even supposed to (by law) operate in the US
  13. not sure why i'm wasting my time responding to someone i think lacks basic logic, but here I go: therein lies the problem. they aren't isolated. they aren't rare. it every single day and sometimes multiple. the fact of the matter is, the border is broken, they are coming through en masse and unvetted. you can stick your head in the sand all you want, but the tenor of the country should tell you all you need to know. blaming it on xenophobia is lazy; blaming it on lack of empathy is inaccurate; most rational human beings want safety for their community. if you think differently, why don't you house a few illegals you know nothing about and see how that works out.
  14. tell me again, how this administration is hellbent on securing the border if only the republicans would work with them
  15. according to some officials in Albany (and idk if it's true or not), no one was told those flights would be arriving. you're also missing the entire context, which is that the entire administration is hellbent on 1) allowing a mass immigration of people who come over illegally and 2) assisting them with taxpayer money when they do so 3) cherry picking who is allowed to be upset about it.
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