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Everything posted by Dogbone

  1. I assumed this was probably the case. If they only have a 2 hour window then my only counter would be that ESPN doesn't need to come in for the start of consi-semis. Wait until the consi-semis are over (hold matches until 11:00) to go live to the world when the medal matches start.
  2. I think almost everyone knows Casey is a key part of PSU's dynasty. It's my understanding he has been approached about HC jobs before but he is happy in his current role and doesn't want to leave.
  3. Agree, I thought KC did a great job and hope they get in the regular rotation. Not KC related, NCAA Championships suggested changes: - Put the video reviews on the jumbotron. - I'm a fan of the independent review but they need to speed it up. Let them look at it 90 -120 seconds from different angles and have them score the match as they see it. If it's not clear then no change. Also, there should be no need for back to back challenges. - Can we please stop doing all of the 7th places matches at the same time, then the 5th, then the 3rd? Let's go back to weight by weight. Don't hold matches if its a time issue.
  4. Fix is now the greatest wrestler to never win a title. He just lost to the defending World Champ and everyone is pretending like he regressed. I know he was in college for 7 years, but there might not be another human, regardless of age, that can beat Vito when he is on. I don't understand how he is so good at freestyle yet appears to rely (or wants to rely) on his top game in folkstyle to win big matches. But the hate for Fix seems to have gone too far. There do seem to be a lot of challenges in his matches (probably because they are so close) but JS does win a fair number of them. That isn't Fix's fault.
  5. As a wrestling fan, Bailey and Little worry me the most. I don't see how we can get schools to add wrestling if their guys are going to transfer as soon as they become AAs. BUT, if you are those two and you are going to get $100K+/year to wrestle for a big school, its a personal decision that a lot people will take. I hope it doesn't happen but won't be shocked if it does.
  6. So what is Bo's actual complaint here? That the announcer shouldn't explain strategy to an audience because it isn't "classy"? Last I checked wrestling was a tough sport.
  7. Nebraska hiring Troy Dannan from Washington to replace the former the coward who cut UNO's team. Dannen hired Doug Schwab while at UNI so this appears to be an upgrade for the wrestling community (almost anyone with a pulse would of been).
  8. Here goes nothing: 125 - Micheal Deaugustino - Mich 133 - Julian Farber - UNI 141 - Cole Mathews - Pitt 149 - Jordan Williamns - Ok St 157 - Joey Blaze - Purdue 165 - Nick Hamilton - Virginia 174 - Brody Conley - West Virginia 184 - Ryder Rogotzke - Oh St 197 - Joey Novak - Wyoming HWT - Bradley Hill - Iowa
  9. There is a difference between the qualifier and the NCAA tourney. If he has plans to wrestle then he should be seeded 1st.
  10. 1) you only described what an injury default was, everyone knows he took the mat and a loss. That wasn't the question. 2) you don't know that hasn't or won't occur, it just wasn't in the article.
  11. No one has said that Cael is solely responsible for anything. It's called an example. This is NCAA week! For a fanbase that is hours away from dominating the NCAA tourney and potentially breaking the all time scoring record, you would think you would be in a better mood. Hopefully you guys can break away from the thought that someone has said something negative toward Cael (oh the horror, boo hoo) to enjoy some wrestling.
  12. How is injury defaulting using the #1 seed? I'm sorry the article you just read didn't provide you with a question you are now demanding. Manning raised an issue in his tweets, a writer asked him about it to clarify it and then wrote an article. Maybe the author of the article should of asked for a proposal knowing this would be required by someone who thinks injuring defaulting is using the #1 seed, you will have to take it up with the author.
  13. On the show with Basch, I believe his position was to eliminate wild cards. Treat NCAA birth like high school, you have to earn the bid on the mat and if you are sick or not healthy you don't get to go.
  14. This is just made up, no one is saying any of this ^^^^. "Hey our guys is going to sit this one out and rest up for NCAAs so lets not put the 8/9 winner in the semis or give the 10 seed a birth to NCAAs without winning a match" Has nothing to do with revealing injuries or bailing out of the seed (whatever that means). Starocci earned the #1 seed and deserved it, but if he is not going to use it then I fail to see why it would matter to him or any PSU fan where he is seeded in a bracket since he isn't going to wrestle in.
  15. I guess it is not available in Kansas for some reason (so I guess not all states). Sucks.
  16. Yes, it is mentioned in the article, linked in the original post, that I guess you didn't read.
  17. Didn't say it is a coincidence. Manning is complaining because he thinks it impacted his guy (maybe it didn't) but he is fighting for his guy. You don't think Manning would do what JRobb did? Why? Just because Cael, doesn't? If you go back to his original tweet, he specifically referenced when the coaches asked Cael at B1Gs if Suriano was wrestling so they could seed accordingly and Cael respond with you will have to see tomorrow, when he knew he wasn't wrestling a B1Gs, so he got the 1 seed. Its is not the exact situation as Schlatter nor is it exactly like Carter. Not every situation is the same. Is there gamesmanship being played, absolutely. You can like the gamesmanship because it benefits your team or because Cael tells you to like it or you can hate it because it impacts your team. But maybe we should eliminate the gamesmanship when it comes to qualifiers, is not that crazy of a position.
  18. This is the exactly the issue. Coaches will always do what's best for them and the team (I don't blame any of them or Cael for doing so). It doesn't make it the best for the sport. Wrestling less matches and having duck season only hurts the sport. It's NOT the coaches job to grow or maintain the sport but they are the stewards for the sport, like it or not. They almost need to hold each other accountable even if is ruffles some feathers.
  19. If the results in the dual were always the same then they shouldn't have a tournament... That is kind of the point. The 8th place finisher didn't win a match and took a bid from someone. I wish I was shocked about the amount of people that are discounting the comments because Wilson wasn't better. Bubba Wilson isn't the point he is making but he is fighting for his guy so that is the example being used. Wilson is the 34th or 35th guy doesn't negate the point.
  20. For a team that wins all the time, PSU fans might be the most sensitive bunch ever. Good for Manning for calling out PSU and glad he explained himself further. Interesting that he reached out to Surianos before tweeting too.
  21. There are 100+ BBQ spots in KC so everyone likes to have a local favorite or specialty that some do better than others, but the big names are very good. Arthur Bryants is vinegar based and not like any of the others so it the most polarizing as far as opinions go. Slaps is good but I would recommend Q39 or Joes KC to anyone. Locals don't avoid them. You might be best calling ahead and picking it and taking it your hotel or something as the as the wait can be long. Power and Light across the street will be very popular with bars/food options. Within blocks they have the typical axe throwing or putt putt bars as well. The Crossroads has a lot of breweries and local food options and that is only about 10 blocks away. Westport is fine during the day. I was there last weekend and no one will feel uncomfortable. Don't hit it up after the evening sessions. Antons is a unique steak optionthat I would recommend. Not a stuffy steakhouse but its part of a butcher shop next door so they cut your steaks when you order. So you choose the size and how it was fed (grass or corn fed). They have large tap wall with a variety of beers as well. Usually you need a reservation but you might be okay since the sessions will end at odd dinning times (3 pm - 6 pm most days and after 10/11 pm).
  22. How many AA's come out of the bottom? Both semis are guaranteed. I am putting the over/under at 2.5.
  23. Now do Philip Conigliaro
  24. My bad. Thanks. I thought it was a the 7/2 quarter for some reason but you are correct. Sloan was the 7 but Elam was the 3 and they met in the semis.
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