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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. I'm thinking the contracts to build them haven't been drawn up.
  2. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2023-11-24/earth-2-degrees-celsius-warmer-two-days-climate-change-threshold/103129020
  3. I'm all boostered up. Starry Night is beautiful, so I could think of worse fates. I've been drinking and I'm a mushy drunk. You the bomb!
  4. Right wing American dogmatism over violence in schools. Beyond rich.
  5. Why Hunter Biden would say anything beyond "5th" is beyond me. There have been so many sensational and unsubstantiated accusations by Republicans at the highest level of government there is no way he can provide any information that won't be removed from context and twisted against him. That is why they want it behind closed doors.
  6. He has a lot of millions to blow. I bet you bought all of his books.
  7. Do what makes you make comfortable, including posting the equivalent of "Global warming is a hoax, FFS it is cold outside". Bet you wouldn't be so smug if you lived in Kiribati.
  8. Same message, https://www.foxsports.com/stories/college-football/michigans-jim-harbaugh-says-he-would-take-less-money-for-players-to-have-a-share
  9. Another flex from the "That doesn't mean I think it means" captain of the universe!
  10. You must be living in a rapidly disappearing snow cave!
  11. Orcas or not, climate change is reality.
  12. Harbaugh said something interesting, even if independent of this. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/jim-harbaugh-says-he-would-take-less-salary-if-it-meant-college-athletes-would-be-paid/ar-AA1kAHJc
  13. I'm telling you life will move forward, energy sources will change AND you will not lose heat to your house. Anyway, is this most definitely not a reason to deny climate change.
  14. It is not about free speech. It is about whether x holds any value for people. It does of course, but it is changing a lot. If it becomes some form of 4chan, it is useless to most people and not commercially viable.
  15. You are irrationally afraid of losing those.
  16. Author is John Barron? Read it, highly recommend!
  17. Perhaps it would be more poignant if you provided video of a tiktok prankster yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded stadium or a partisan operative posting signs the local polling place is shut down and providing directions to an alternate but fictional polling place.
  18. Then it is a slow week over at the Hang 'em high saloon. Thanks for the update.
  19. No, I'm talking about people whipping you into a frenzy over manufactured issues.
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