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Everything posted by MLB9

  1. You don’t really believe that, do you? The current rankings are close to worst case for Penn State with Lilledahl and Davis working up, Barr will be higher in the next rendition too. You could add Figueroa and remove any PSU wrestler of your choice and Iowa still wouldn’t win. Let’s make a wager to reset the parameters a bit. I’ll give you 70 points(PSU -70), as I expect Penn State to be around 170 again and Iowa 100. $50 or another incentive if you have another suggestion. I pay my debts if it happens unlike Jimmy. No conditions like injuries or other circumstantial things.
  2. No. The opposite would be a point. There will always be a small group of…fanatics/zealots/unreasonable people of basically any group of data analysis that would be the folks you’re referring to. Basically he, and now you(?) are implying the entire fan base, or from the time 2011(not sure what that truly has to do with anything) is incapable of objectivity?
  3. I’m a Penn State fan since then and I didn’t think it was a takedown. But generalizations are quite often faulty
  4. Gonna be some wild ones at 174 in March between those two and Hamiti. Looking like 1. KOT 2. Haines 3. Hamiti at this point?
  5. 1 for 3 Jimmy. That’s Hall of Fame in the majors
  6. I would say trees, square footage, and culture. And mulies and wapiti are stronger than the whities.
  7. Aww sheet lol, had it right the first time. Didn’t I. Been a while since I’ve tried to distinguish between the two, thought I was wrong with the correct usage and edited it. I’ll be better in the future.
  8. What are they doing wrong? Winning duels, tournaments, and NC’s? They’re in the Big Ten, there’s no way to avoid much for long there and still be successful. It sure seems like you’re implying/insinuating cowardice. I’m unsure the motive and purpose of your post. It almost seems like you want them to be more competitive, but that can’t be right.
  9. Haines it is then. Can we please get someone else’s prediction? Merry Christmas to you Jimmy
  10. I feel that as well. His style attracts confidence and support more than Haines’ I think. I don’t know, maybe the biggest factor working for Haines in a match that feels pretty even is that, well…he wrestles for Penn State. They make adjustments and they win in March. I would quite likely pick O’Toole straight up next weekend(hopefully it happens), but if it’s a nail biter and depending on what the loss looks like(if so), maybe take take Haines in a few months.
  11. There’s at least some merit to the freestyle match, however small. It showed any size concerns wouldn’t be an issue and that they’re generally the same tier of wrestler. There’s more in that Haines has been a finalist each year he’s wrestled in college and is a defending national champion. Obviously he’s legit and elite. Why would you consider KOT the favorite? Fwiw, I want Haines to win but would pick KOT.
  12. Absolutely, gotta wonder if all the Keckeisen picks are at least somewhat wishful thinking. I don’t think that would be the case if money was involved. He’s really good, but CS is a different animal.
  13. Yeah, I’d be shocked if this happened and went seven minutes. Huge Sasso fan though, what an inspiration.
  14. He’s the Caitlin Clark of wrestling forums. We need Jimmy, realized that during his last hiatus.
  15. Would decreasing scoring opportunities in the consolation side not just create further disparity between the elite programs and one like Rutgers? Is this quote based off the Kasak run?
  16. Jimmy, you were doing so well and bringin the fire with some excellent topics. Until now lol. I’ll answer anyway. No, he would not have beaten Brooks or Kerk. The only reason I ever wanted to watch him wrestle again was to see his demolishment and reaction afterward at the hands of AB
  17. I was going to say Kasak, but don’t think he quite got to 7.5
  18. Yes, about as likely as the team race.
  19. I hear ya. It’s such a comedown and withdrawal process. I’m a baseball coach and moreso a football guy, but I live for state wrestling tournaments and the NCAA postseason. At least the transfer portal bridges the offseason gap
  20. IF…CS didn’t have a torn something(think that’s pretty clear now), twould be a moot point with his bonus. You didn’t say “if”, but it still is. Woulda brought up Van Ness too, but Kasak may have outscored him anyway.
  21. They play it to every home football entrance there, kind of a ritual
  22. That’s the school hymn, is it not?
  23. Didn’t Bartlett take the only two legitimate shots, end of both second and third periods? Ironic he loses that way
  24. If I was an impartial viewer, I probably would have checked out by now. We’ve spent more time in review so far than wrestling
  25. I do too, wish Penn State would wear whites more often
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