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Everything posted by MLB9

  1. Same shtick last year, which was followed by the all-time scoring record. No admittance, no humility, you just disappeared. So the TEAM stuff works out that way and you resort to compartmentalization with groupings of weights, individuals, etc. to seek out some weird moral victory in your mind and criticizing individuals who don’t win national championships which is even more strange. Is someone paying you to do this?
  2. Saw this on HVI, worth a read. This person likely paid attention during their 7th Grade Probability Unit: Here's an email from a buddy of mine concurring with my argument that Penn State losing nationals is not only virtually impossible but would be the biggest upset in the history of college sports (makes Michigan losing to App State look like nothing) It's not even just how good Penn State is, even though that's definitely the main thing, it's how spread tf out the other contenders are. There are 40 dudes currently ranked in the top 4 at a weight from 20 different schools. 9 are from Penn State, and 12 are from schools who have exactly 1 such dude. Nobody aside from Penn State has more than 4 (Iowa) and only 3 others have 3 (Nebraska, Minnesota, OkSU). And among those 4 who have 3+ such guys, there's tons of overlap. OK State and Minnesota are both there at 285 and 184. Nebraska and Iowa are both there at 149. Nebraska and Minnesota at 141. Where there's an opportunity to pile up points for any of them, it's mutually exclusive and likely to be somewhat divided as the tournament progresses. Basically, outside of Penn State, the only team with a serious shot at 100 points is Iowa, and they'd have to perform substantially above their current rankings and get substantial bonus points to do it. According to their Flo rankings, they're looking at 56 placement points. Even if they performed to expectation and got bonus points at the same pace as Penn State did last year, both of which, I mean, this is Iowa we're talking about so lmao, they're looking at 92 points. That's definitely not a bad tournament, especially for someone without a national champ, but this hasn't been good enough for a national championship since 1989, and in only about half of years since is good enough for second place. You've got a Penn State team where anything less than 130 would be an unmitigated dumpster fire and a field where anything above 90 is exceeding expectations.
  3. And what the hell does that have to do with anything? Here, I’ll be a five year-old like you and say Pinto won’t beat them either. Take that
  4. You should have taken my bet! Barr got hurt yesterday. If three or four more go out, Nebraska just might have a shot to catch Penn State.
  5. I was refering to Bartlett, but both those weights(125/141) will be intriguing. Thank you guys
  6. Wow, he’s always easy to root for too. I’ll be happy for whoever one of those three wins 174.
  7. Who do you expect the formula to kick out?
  8. Yes sir, probably be him and Shapiro #2. We’ll know the 174 #1 shortly here too
  9. I believe he mirrors Kasak with one medical loss, not sure though. How many matches does Figs have? I know he just has the one loss, but he wasn’t a conference champion in a weaker conference. Can’t be him
  10. Lilledahl or Ramos at 125, 141 will be very interesting. I’d guess Bartlett or Alirez, Hardy has one too many L’s. What about Shapiro at 157?
  11. He’s just too good, I thought the only small chance is if he wasn’t in his best shape but that has never looked like a problem for him this year
  12. That would be disappointing. It’s always nice if two guys from the same conference can be separated. And I’d rather see Keck deal with him in the semis haha
  13. 1. CS 2. Keck 3. McEnelly?
  14. Would be ironic if Mc wins with Kemerer in the Minny corner
  15. McEnelly’s really good, I’d definitely take him over Ferrari right now. They’d all be close matches for sure. He’s a RS Fr.?
  16. I finally figured it out…it’s not Tyler Kasak, Jimmy’s the one on PED’s! That explains his tireless posting rate and fascination with mass.
  17. What does Jimmy’s size-o-meter say for this 174 match?
  18. Like the Tour de France or ‘90s MLB? I hope everyone does it right in this sport, something widespread might do us under Vak. That was a good one from Caliendo, I thought one of those would be coming. He’s too good not to
  19. Disappointing, a good win and first Big Ten title turn into steroid accusations from the resident dermatologists.
  20. Perfect, so you’ll take my bet of PSU -70 with Nebraska at NCAA’s? I’m giving you 70 points.
  21. Exactly! Another advantage for Penn State and more disadvantage for a team like Nebraska ja. You know this. The deeper the field, the greater the advantage for a team like the Nits. I don’t understand what you’re implying with Haines. He’s more likely to take 2nd or 3rd than win. It may be slightly below that even, but recent history with PSU wrestlers at the NCAA tournament suggests to not be pessimistic on possible outcomes. I think your problem is you base everything off hope and emotion, you’ve got to think more in numbers and probability.
  22. Haines/KOT definitely isn’t. Even if those guys drop one along the way, they score 15 instead of 20? 20 instead of 25? I know you want to believe and hope that they’ll lose, but you’re going to need a LOT more than just difficult matches and matchups. You need sickness, disqualification, injury, etc. You can pray for that stuff if you want I guess, but anything short is another landslide victory.
  23. They’ll finish around 180 points and 40-50 ahead of the 2nd place team. At nationals, the gap just gets wider. Take the bet if you’re serious, it’s that simple. I’ll go PSU -70 over Nebraska with you, you interested in that? Did the same with Vak and Iowa, he’s probably got me but I can break even at worst if you’ll back up what you post.
  24. There were six seconds left on the restart, how can Braunagel give his legs up there. That was wild
  25. It was a slam situation, seemed like the refs didn’t declare anything initially and the Rutgers coaches were angry. They chose to argue with them while SCW was crawling around trying to find his senses. Then Tom Ryan was angry and they raised SCW’s hand. So something changed
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