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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. This was a second chance if I'm reading it correctly. My experience is limited, but getting arrested for being drunk in public is a feat in a college town where everyone is drunk in public.
  2. Two questions: Re Spencer Lee and the head-up-the-butt lace: Has anyone seen a successful turn with this technique? Re 86 kg: Did anyone else notice the shape of the judo/wrestling hall?
  3. Seriously, did you have a bad experience in HS English?
  4. I think the counter argument might be that Lopez could have wrestled both styles but did not. Phelps swam in ? styles.
  5. Here we go. JFC I just wanted to know how Wester's new Gallagher-ism worked.
  6. Why do you hate the Constitution? BTW I assume you're just sport-slagging. Right?
  7. Have you heard of her before? If so, do you know who else she works with? I'm interested in approach.
  8. I read something in the local paper about a wrestling coach named Carolyn Easter who is using some kinda sabetmetrics approach to match prep. Apparently, she coaches Elor. Have you heard of her? Any thoughts? https://www.insidenova.com/headlines/meet-this-internationally-known-wrestling-coach-from-manassas/article_6ff0fffa-527a-11ef-b596-23e8a76cf669.html
  9. Am I imagining things, or has Flo had progressively fewer boots on the ground since their Beijing coverage? I just remember hours of behind the scenes looks, interviews, training vids, etc. In fact, it seems like they had more content of Russian Nationals back then than they have for the Olympics now. Maybe, the content has just moved to social media?
      • 1
      • Bob
  10. The comb-over needs to make a comeback. The shaved-head is the calvin's attempt to distract himself from the fact that father time is undefeated. The self-aware comb-over makes a mockery of the pretense. When it stands on edge in a strong wind ... That's punk rock.
  11. There's grad school (PhD in Austrian and Experimental Economics at George Mason) and then there's grad school (MA of Leisure Arts at OSU).
  12. Calc, Stats, or whatever math you tested into (Dif Eqs?); Chem, Bio, or Physics; Western Civ; Hist of English; World Language ... the stuff most first years take. But, I think I'm misunderstanding what you guys mean by Liberal Arts major. I was using it as an umbrella term for the all non-STEM majors.
  13. WKN likes the superlatives. It might be more of a usage tic than any cut-n-dry judgement.
  14. Which is why I hedged the claim in the very next sentence.
  15. I'm saying that my liberal arts degree helped me understand the guillotine as one logical end to the intellectual movement birthed by stuff like Francis Bacon's The Great Instauration, I.e. the unfashioable "The Great Man Theory of History." And, my liberal arts degree helped me understand that this theory has a lot of problems worth thinking about. Edit: In short, my liberal arts degree has made my world interesting enough to wake up every day and think about it some more.
  16. Think about how the Enlightenment spawned German Romantic thought that gave rise to both the nationalist and socialist movements ultimately resulting in the deaths of millions upon millions of people in the early 20th C, and then stare dumbfounded as millions upon millions of people use terms like nationalism and socialism without having a clue what they mean.
  17. You're on to something, esp re Miami. The logo had been around for a while (1973?) and opened up a slew of marketing tactics: https://themiamihurricane.com/2012/04/26/history-reveals-iconic-‘u’-logo’s-meaning-2/
  18. The marketing of US Soccer as an avant garde politicos is "cringe" (apologies, I have a tween). The half-assed appropriation and misreadings of the Frankfurt School family tree is one reason folks justifiably mock them. As someone one who arrived on the left by moving all the way through the anarcho-capitalist right, it's embarrassing.
  19. Obligatory defense of the humanities: Kant is hard.
  20. "WE LiCCk ME"? Whatever school made this needs a new art director. They might need to rent a grammarian, too ... Unless of course, they have solved that age-old biomechanical problem. If so, they probably need to hire a few old-school psychoanalysts, like from Vienna.
  21. Real Etymology/Usage Question: I went to an ACC school, and the frat/srat crowd would add a little "THE" sticker to the front of their " University of [XXX]" window stickers. This was in 1994. How long has tOSU been doing their schtick? Were they first or just the most persistently demonstrative? Was "THE Ohio State University" an athetics' dept. marketing directive dreamt up once they started having NFL players introduce themselves on telecasts?
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