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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. Eggs =/=
  2. Maybe bc Iowa dropped some duals that I remember? 1980 OSU won 1981 Iowa State won 25 -14 1982 OSU won 27-23 1983 ? 1984 OSU won 24-6 1985 Iowa won 40 - 6 (ouch) 1986 Iowa State beat Iowa 19 -16 1987 OSU won 23 -12
  3. But other than recency bias, why does it feel different? It does feel different, no?
  4. And I can't see an end. Hammerlock might be overstating it, but we are watching a different sort of NCAA tournament today. Cael's dominance is different than Gable's.
  5. I did not know this. For some reason, I remember close matches, a few unexpected losses, and gassing every now and then. Just goes to show that eye-witness testimony ain't tgat reliable.
  6. I want this to be true. It felt like a takedown in the moment. The broadcast team thought it was a takedown in the moment. Most non-partisan wrestling fans thought it was a takedown in the moment. But, McCormick immediately indicated "not yet" ... you know, the safe-at-home-plate gesture. I'm not sure if he said anything or if the Oliver could have heard it anyway. That Oliver did not try to improve his position in those last five seconds and the look on his face after the whistle blew makes me think that he didn't know McCormick's call, that he thought he had the takedown. McCormick didn't flinch if he did think it was questionable. Leads me to believe that Oliver got screwed by a bad rule. So, nothing really to be done except change the rule, and they did. Re ranking the 4xers: I'm putting the Covid-year(s) folks below the rest. Sanderson, Dake, Smith, Stieber, Yanni, Brooks, Starocci Best at their best: Sanderson, Dake, Brooks, Yianni, Stieber, Smith, Starocci Favorite to watch: Yianni, Smith, Sanderson, Dake, Brooks, Stieber, Starocci
  7. Sure, but you were not-so-implicitly dismissing the legitimacy of higher ed and the "MSM" bc of their supposed irrelevance and/or political allegiances, I.e. they're just spouting esoteric, jargon-filled nonsense at best or carrying water for the commies at worst. I value higher ed -- even the humanities -- and found your post insulting. But, I went too far with the "moron" comment. I apologize. (BTW That you chose to link Nietzsche with left-wing institutions and ideologues is strange indeed. The new intellectual leaders on the right, e.g. Yarvin, Thiel, Vance, etc, claim his influence.) Again, I'm sorry for my aggressive response. Won't happen again. Cheers.
  8. Then perhaps you should read some more. He is a prolific sh1t-talker, e.g. his eviseration of the English psychologists in GoM or his contempt for the positivistss in the Gay Science or his mockery of the Annals School of historiography in The Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life.
  9. Jfc please assure us that you have never read Nietzsche. If you haven't, that's cool and your opinion is understandable as just some political yea-saying. If you have read Nietzsche and don't recognize his world historical genius, I don't know what to say except that you might be a moron.
  10. You're a surly dude.
  11. Real question: Is this a technical term? That is, is there a specific group of folks with a set of rules, assumptions, stipulations about the limits of their faith and practice that call themselves "Bible believing Christians"?
  12. I love these questions, but about halfway through my list I'm always reminded of that grotesque literalization sonnet tropes. Like, you can't have KOT scrambling with Starocci's baseline defense.
  13. Cody Gardner - RIP - was an OG here.
  14. The Whos #1 was 36+, and the first dual --- I'm not watching it again to check for blood time and such --- says 30 mins: The final was a mere 20:
  15. Ohhh ... I understand your point now. I'm not all that worried about final team standings. I just want to watch individual Cowboys beat people they aren't supposed to beat.
  16. True, but there have been more than "some."
  17. I guess bc I already asked about Witcraft, and Young is the other guy I'm worried about going 0-2.
  18. So, "he is who he is." Tend to agree, but I am looking for some hope.
  19. Over on the Poke board, the consensus seems to be that Young "is who he is." What do you think: if you were Taylor and co, how would you have Young spend the next month?
  20. If running as punishment has ever motivated your kids to like wrestling more, then by all means.
  21. So many of us know this bizarre ritual first hand. But it's as idiotic as it is resilient. Your kids need to get better at wrestling, not running, no?
  22. Re forward pressure: Being lanky and slow, I'd be afraid of getting my head thrown through the mat. Other than just staying disciplined and controlling/pushing off the collar tie wrist/hand while keeping my elbow glued to my side (like Spratley), I like the suggestion above of going with it and attacking below the knee, a la Nolf (inside step) or Vito (outside step).
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