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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. I don't know. I think McGee almost out RBYing RBY might have been the field's best shot.
  2. She's gonna regret that if it ends up on sports center.
  3. Alton had an even worse tank and only one throw sequence: duck=>headlock=>standing cow-catcher-trip-thing
  4. They should probably look for a guy who doesn't hate his team.
  5. Haines. As a coach, I could never prepare my kids to perform their best on the biggest stage. They either would or would not; but, it had nothing to do with any coaching strategy I tried. I am amazed at how Cael and co are able to get their kids to relax. Even the young ones seem to show no fear of making mistakes. I want to see it again.
  6. From the New Yorker: I guess it's a stock photo. I'm not sure how you would search the database to find this image.
  7. What I like a about them is that there is a uniform out-of-bounds space all the way around.
  8. That's crazy. Fill in the bank: At 24, I was already _________. E.g. "in a failing marriage."
  9. I like Penn State: no distracting lettres and the white pops. I do not like Wyoming: too much stuff going on . . They were trying too hard.
  10. Here's what I saw: Imagine both guys ear-to-ear on all fours. Then each man puts their inside arm over and around the guys neck/head and grabs the chin ... like you would for a cowcatcher/snake/cement mixer. Both guys have the exact same hold ... just tge chin. The other hand is free. Now imagine one of the guys sitting/ducking under on the free hand side while pulling the other guy's head down. Now imagine doing it from your feet
  11. I thought we covered this Witcraft stuff: it never works.
  12. It was sorta like a cowcatcher, except Witcraft had both his arm and head under arm. I fortget what it's called if I ever knew in the first place.
  13. Well, when they're on bottom they are intent on staying there for the rest of the period. Bad joke for a bad team with a fan in a bad mood.
  14. I know they outclassed OSU in every position, but I was particularly impressed with their reattacks. I say "particularly impressed" bc it's hella difficult to reattack when your opponent doesn't shoot and just stands there and looks at you. So, they just pulled the trigger when the Cowboy attempted a half-assed snap, e.g. Assad.
  15. In case we forgot, John Smith still hates his team.
  16. I can't believe I'm the only one who has felt this way. You know when you're sitting there at Beast with 2 guys left on the backside and just praying that the next 90 matches will all end in first period falls? None of you just stared at the clock for six minutes after six minutes after six minutes?
  17. At some point you realize you're dying 7 minutes at a time. Other times, you realize you're dying 30 seconds at a time. HEW, indeed. It's like the alcoholic who makes the mistake of tallying up how much money they spent on beer a six-pack at a time.
  18. Since this thread kinda veered off course, I'll just put this here: I've experienced something worse than an icy hot or pepper crossface. The athletic dining hall had a seafood night with scallops, clam chowder, gumbo, cod, Old Bay seasoned shrimp and crabs, etc. It must have been in the spring because everybody was on full feed. We had an hour drill session the following morning. About 15 min in, the smell started. 15 minutes later it was unbearable . . . like wretch-inducing.
  19. Heard about this. Glad to hear things might be turning around.
  20. I used to practice with a first year Mikey Blaylock, pretty sure that's Jonce's dad, at Keifer every once in a while. I wrestled Sapulpa's Blue Perez a bunch.
  21. Funny story about his shoes: he was so young and small that they couldn't find ones small enough. So, they cut a pair of the mesh Dan Gables in half, took out the middle, and sewed them back together. Now that I write this, it seems absurd; but, that's the story my mom told me.
  22. Shane and I started the same year and carpooled to our first tournament together: Glenpool.
  23. Oh, make no mistake: I was there for every second cheering on Perry's stalling, flinching every time Evans stacked him up in that water fall position, and swearing to everyone who'd listen, "No way he was flat!"
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