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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Didn't Ben coach at Missouri and AZ State?
  2. LOL...once again you have no idea what in the hell you are talking about. You have no idea what trauma I have had in my life nor how or when I addressed it so stop with your stupid b.s. As far as the country and it's history, NO ONE has brushed anything under the rug or is ignoring it. Second you once again have no idea who I am or who my family is or where we came from. But point being, what the heck does it matter if my family was from Russia or Australia?? For clarity for you and your completely asinine assumptions, my family is from Norway and never had anything to do with slavery or what happened to the Native American's, Mexico, Latin America, etc. But again, what is someone to do if their family history did have something to do with those horrible things??? Give something back for something they had no hand in?? Still don't know what it is that people like you want today's society to give back to make up for bad things in the past?? And how will that fix anything?? You speak of privilege and being born into a situation that may put someone in a better situation financially but again, what are people supposed to do, give all their wealth to other people so make them feel "even" or something? By the way, I was NOT born into a situation in which my family had generational wealth...quite the opposite, we were very poor...but no one in my family expected someone who was born into wealth should give us anything. And as far as the people who founded this country, they sure did know what they were doing, if they didn't we wouldn't be where we are today. Again, yes bad things happened but for that time it wasn't considered bad. So your argument essentially is what a lot of people like you do, and that is try and apply today's societal norms to our history...that is impossible to do. We should teach history and all the bad things about it (according to today's societal norms) so the bad parts of history don't repeat itself. But we can't go back and change it. There is nothing we could do now to make up for some of the bad stuff. Can we continually do better...ABSOLUTELY...but we do that as a country...are we perfect, absolutely not, but holy crap, we are a great country and that is why so many people want to come here.
  3. Never understood the attitude, well in our history we did bad things in order to be in the position we are today, yet we should give it "all" back?? And I am not even sure what we stole and what we need to give back...yet alone how I am now privileged? If being fortunate enough to have been born in the US is "bad" or a "privilege" than I guess I am privileged that my parents happen to be living in the US when they conceived me and had me. SMH
  4. Starocciri...easily wins the hodge
  5. This! I too don't see it documented that mental health care is banned by any policy
  6. So laughable...the "privilege" card, the "moral superiority" card, and the "hate" card all played out in one post. And I didn't even touch on how crappy the US and terrible our history is.
  7. The last thing I would ever do is take advice or be lectured by a whackadoodle on the internet so save yourself all the typing psycho. You are the last person who anyone on here should be lectured by....
  8. I can't believe someone would argue for experimenting on children. There is seriously something wrong with you if you think it is okay to give KIDS biologically altering drugs of any sort because of how they feel. As adults...go for it, do whatever your little heart desires to your body and chemical make-up, but doing that to KIDS is f'ing sick!
  9. That meme pretty much sums it all up. People forget about the choices people are making. There's talk about empathy and caring about others, yet, there is no talk about personal responsibility and personal choice for their actions. Which includes the people trying to come here illegally and the countries in which they are fleeing. I'll never understand the logic people on here use and say these poor people are leaving a country that is so bad, and it is so bad because of the US, but they want to get to the US?? Our government are a bunch of idiots about a lot of things, and we need to make changes, but holy crap, we are a GREAT country and there is a reason so many people want to come here unvetted. Letting people in without any sort of vetting process is essentially wanting us to be like the very countries these people are trying to leave.
  10. What about all the girls that have to play against the biological boy? What about changing in the same locker room?
  11. Wow...stop the press...that was one of the most convincing condemnations of hamas I have ever read...oh wait...you didn't even come close you antisemite. How about this...is hamas a terrorist organization??
  12. What the?!?! You are antisemitic...period. You support terrorists...period. Quit digging that hole
  13. Feel like this needed to be posted again after that tirade....
  14. And tomorrow and the next day and the next you will continue to wake up and hate the jews and support terrorists...I'll be comfortable with myself and how I feel about the war both today and 10 years from now thank you.
  15. Oh look...I'm in a hole so I'll keep digging
  16. Here is a thought...who cares what other people believe in??
  17. Great...local antisemite is back
  18. Who's unhinged? Who exaggerates things for emotional purposes in order to make themselves somehow feel morally superior to others? Who infers things about people based on lack of reading comprehension? Who asks questions to answer questions? Who is a narcissist?
  19. Yes he is! Threepoint will probably tell us he is hard to find because of his privilege.
  20. Why is the sun hot? Why does water make you wet? How come people die? Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? Where is Waldo?
  21. Agreed...it was a great watch!
  22. No I don't...because arguing with you is a futile thing and quite frankly you appear to be nuts. You have been presented over and over with evidence and FACTS on how the majority of MSM is left leaning and you completely ignore it and continue to argue how it is not. You then somehow turn it around to be about some perceived attack on public education. Since you are a teacher one can only come to the conclusion that you may be like your fan boy ban and be a complete and utter narcissist.
  23. I know...was a jab at that whackadoodle you are arguing with. Guy seems like he has a few screws loose.
  24. How did this all of a sudden become about public education??
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