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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. Over 105 million views to see what it looks like and if Tucker’s learned anything.
  2. But Michelle Obama and Opra are victims of systemic racism.
  3. It’s not just the public flaunting of indecency, it’s the inclusion, the predation, of children that a widening band of extreme leftists are promoting that draws the ire of the majority. When i hear the word ‘pizzagate’ I know it’s referring to a confused guy showing up at a pizza parlor, armed and ready to put a stop to harming children. But I also remember that just about that same time it was learned that a couple of code words for trafficking children were ‘pizza’ and ‘pasta.’ One for young girls and one for young boys. Now we’re learning that the emoji of a map stands for MAP + Minor Attracted People. The emoji for ‘cheese pizza’ stands for CP - Child Pornography. Here’s a link to the Wall Street Journal’s article about its prevalence on instagram: https://www.wsj.com/articles/instagram-vast-pedophile-network-4ab7189?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1 If you care.
  4. Eggzactly! The typical “Here’s what you need to know. A few quotes and we’ll tell you what to think about it. No need for you to watch the 10 minute video.”
  5. Tucker Carlson 10 minute video gets 11 million views in 2 1/2 hours on twitter.
  6. That’s with the promotion of $15 refund on a 15pack or larger. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/bud-light-money-back-customers-how-much-which-brands-rcna86321
  7. The phrase “young girls” is yours, not his. Made up out of whole cloth. By you. Sit on it and enjoy it. It’s all you’ve got, it’s your existence, your raison d'etre. Unenlightened, blissful, hegemony with a slight embellishment of illiteracy is no way to expend one’s life. Dig it?
  8. Is there no boundary for you. That does not say what you said. You really have overstressed your credibility allowance to the point of irrelevance. Be well, sir.
  9. Malicious prosecutions are leading to distrust and democrats are hoping that unrest will elevate to reprisal. They’re in for a surprise and an electoral disaster. The actions of the politicos and those who support them are both insidious and obvious.
  10. Another opinion: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtontimes.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2Fjun%2F1%2Fdid-trump-declassify-documents-criminal-indictment%2F ” The bottom line is that if Mr. Trump or his lawyers allege — even without his testifying — that he declassified the documents, a criminal charge of unauthorized possession of classified documents would be difficult to prove. That doesn’t mean that a prosecutor could not get a grand jury to indict this particular ham sandwich. It does mean that it’s unlikely that a conviction against Mr. Trump would be sustainable. The government is certainly aware of these difficulties, so it may be seeking to indict Mr. Trump on some process crime, such as obstruction of justice. But it will be difficult to establish that Mr. Trump crossed the line from vigorously and lawfully defending his conduct to engaging in criminal obstruction. No citizen is required to cooperate in a Department of Justice criminal investigation, as President Biden and others have commendably done. Nor can he actively obstruct such an investigation by unlawful means. The government will have a hard time proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Trump willfully crossed this line. Based on what we know, we believe that there is no legitimate basis for a criminal indictment of Mr. Trump based on the material that was found at Mar-a-Lago.” • Alan Dershowitz
  11. https://www.oann.com/newsroom/theyre-trying-to-get-trump-article-iii-founder-mike-davis-blasts-the-latest-twist-in-the-trump-classified-document-witch-hunt/ “Presidents are allowed to take their records when they leave office,” said Davis.” “It doesn’t matter what one’s understanding or misunderstanding of the law is,” said Davis. “It matters what the law is. And the law is very clear under the Presidential Records Act that presidents are allowed to take their presidential records when they leave office. And presidential records are any documents created or received by the president or his White House staff.” “President Trump lawfully took his presidential records,” said Davis. “Biden stole Obama’s classified records and stole classified records when he was a senator. That is called espionage.”
  12. The gutless response. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
  13. Here’s a link to the article that linked to the liink I posted above. https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/twitter-believed-it-would-lose-covid-censorship-suit-feared-release-documents
  14. I read it this morning. That’s how I knew it was just their alibi. A court pleading, that has not been ruled on yet, and there will be one from the other side that will just as confidently argue the opposite. What you obviously didn’t read were the texts between twitter lawyers that are provided in the link I posted.
  15. That’s not evidence, that’s what they want you and a judge to believe. Here’s some evidence of what they say behind the scenes in a different but similar case. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-twitters-own-lawyers-believed?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=363080&post_id=125121087&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
  16. I don’t greco can get big until there’s a lot of money and people organized to present it to grade school kids, but it barely gets coverage during the Olympics as it is.
  17. No women died in your link. Consistency is your forte.
  18. Intermat: “Carroll is a two-time Super 32 champion and a Junior freestyle national champion in 2021. Over the summer, Carroll made the U20 World Team in Greco-Roman. In the best-of-three final, Carroll shut out Robert Plympton 8-0 in the first period of both of their bouts. He was also selected to wrestle in a super-match at FloWrestling's Who's #1 in 2021 against Nick Feldman, the top recruit in the Class of 2022. Feldman prevailed via 3-2 score.”
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