Like I said, Central Planning does love their sheep.
When asked, I offered one point. Mspart, you point out another - what is it - who gets to define it? In the school board case, it was actually instigated by the White House. They contacted the School Board Association to contact them. The School Board Assn. has experienced a drop in membership over it.
Anybody who uses their head for something besides something to hold their ears apart knows there is no great threat by white supremacists, of which there are few; nor white extremists. If the groups of inner city youngsters who are shooting each other based sometimes on race, sometimes on geography, sometimes on religion or other social traits, but mostly because they have drugs, were accurately identified in the data, the data would tell a different story.
If you think Central Planning is going to tell you about real terrorist cells moving about the country after entering through our southern border, even the ones they know of, you need to sign up for CNN+.