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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. It may be because that username had already been taken.
  2. Marching peacefully and patriotically is now interference?
  3. Sure I can. For one, Trump pressed Saudi to both increase and decrease production at different times, based on what was best for America at the time. And two, I listed where I get my news a while back and Fox wasn’t on the list.
  4. Yeah, you still don’t know what you’re talking about.
  5. The population decline is obscured by the fact that the middle classes are moving out and illegals are moving in.
  6. You know that thing you were talking about being over your head? Yeah.
  7. Yes, oil production fluctuates on price, but the effect of everything pre-biden kept fuel prices low. Biden’s shutdown was not a fluctuation, it was a manipulation that hurt Americans and helped putin. And china. The folks who gave him millions of dollars.
  8. I’m sure a lot of people will be glad to hear that the next time they get busted for possession of stolen property, or possession of anything illegal for that matter.
  9. That’s been known too. Hospitals got paid extra if a patient died of covid.
  10. You are funny. Trump has documents that are under guard by the Secret Service and that involves the Presidential Records Act, the Personal Records Act, full classification authority. Biden has many more classified documents in more places, all unguarded, has no classification authority and no authority for possession. Evidence on Hunter’s laptop indicates he has access to classified information. Which one do you indict?
  11. This is information that many of us have known for years. Do you remember the times Senator Rand Paul, among others, confronted Fauci in committee hearings?
  12. Nope. None of the other 44 exercised political expediency to indict their political opponent. It is common in other countries, though.
  13. Don’t worry. Biden’s won’t be for political expediency.
  14. Does each location biden had classified documents count as one? Each country he bribed? Each citizen he censored?
  15. This is the chart that shows biden’s effective oil policies. tip of the hat to Plasmodium.
  16. Dictators tend to make their gasoline cheap to their subjects. I think it was ten or twenty cents a gallon after Chavez kicked the Americans out. Soon after, bread was $40 a loaf, though.
  17. When we pull production off the global market it causes the same increase in prices as when anyone else does. Biden tried to placate the greenies by cutting production here and begging Saudi and russia and venezuela to increase production. It didn’t work. In fact, now that he’s opened up a little, Saudi has cutback. This is keeping putin flush with cash in spite of biden’s efforts to sanction him to death.
  18. Your first chart starts too late , but how can you look at the second chart and not see exactly what i said?
  19. Look at his first months in office. It dropped so much that with your three month rolling average it hasn’t quite reached pre-biden levels yet.
  20. Information on the miscounting of deaths from covid is coming out, too.
  21. A homeless guy in California was interviewed and he said he was given $800 a month to stay homeless. He said he spent the money on drugs that he resold to make more money.
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