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Everything posted by BuckyBadger

  1. As more is coming out about this case, if the competitors are DSD it’s possible that it’s not simply higher levels of testosterone, but one where they are born with internal reproductive organs of both sexes. I don’t know if that’s the case here, but if so, it’s not the case of a biological female simply producing higher levels of testosterone. And not comparable to a basketball player that is 7 ft. I do an acknowledge the nuance and gray area of this situation as opposed to a Lia Thomas example. However, in a sport like boxing the stakes are much higher in the sense that someone with male strength (or even in between) fighting a woman is playing with fire. If these competitors are born with both male and female reproductive organs, I think it’s pretty clear they should not be in the ring with biological females.
  2. US flag being burned in Times Square and Hamas flags being flown. This is not the exception anymore, but becoming more common. Anyone that sees the protests here as simply about Palestinians being oppressed is lying to themselves.
  3. If your going to be distrustful of the IBA because of corruption, then you have to be equally suspicious of the IOC, which has their own history of very shady behavior.
  4. In the case that this is a biological woman who happens to have abnormally high levels of testosterone, I would say it is different than a Leah Thomas situation. It’s an area of gray area as far as I’m concerned. But there are two things that don’t really make sense in this case. 1. A testosterone test is not a test of gender and the IBA said they both failed gender tests. 2. The way the Italian forfeited mid bout is very weird. To me that would suggest she sensed something abnormally dangerous. It’s possible she is just using it as an excuse to quit. But if not, it doesn’t make sense. Interested to hear how you would explain these two @uncle bernard@1032004
  5. And if the testosterone levels were off the charts would you be ok with that?
  6. There you go, just throw out insults to anyone that disagrees with you.
  7. But when they fail a gender test it does.
  8. Then why would the Italian suddenly decide mid bout to throw in the towel. Clearly she felt the strength of the punches was not normal. Isn’t that the whole reason they do a gender test?
  9. My son is about to turn 5 and loves doing gymnastics. I swore to myself I’m not going to be a crazy wrestling Dad that puts pressure on him to do wrestling. He’ll pursue what he wants. But part of me hopes he develops all that core strength, flexibility etc in gymnastics and then starts wrestling. I can’t think of a better base foundation for wrestling.
  10. I’m surprised this is not getting more press. There are two boxers in the female division that failed gender tests in 2023 and were disqualified from the world championships by the International Boxing Association (IBA). But they do meet IOC criteria. The IOC essentially banned the IBA from making a decision like this for the Olympics. “Last year the IOC banished the IBA and developed an ad-hoc unit that ran the Olympic boxing tournament at the Tokyo Games in 2021 and is doing the same here. The IOC did not detail the criteria met by Khelif and Yu-Ting to compete here and in Tokyo, but did say the boxers’ passports state they are women.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2024/08/01/olympic-boxer-imane-khelif-gender-eligibility-issue/74628914007/ An Italian boxer had to withdraw from a match against the Algerian, one of the two boxers, I guess because she realized she was in real trouble if she continued. What the hell is going on that the powers that be let this happen? Allowing men in the ring with women is going to result in someone getting killed. This has gone way too far. Soon we’ll see a biological man competing in female wrestling.
  11. What’s interesting about gymnastics is technique has to be as close to perfect as possible. Your legs are bent or not parallel you get points off. I remember how much my wrestling coaches used to emphasize technique over strength at a young age when you are building your muscle memory. If you drill it wrong at first it’s much harder to relearn the right way. But obviously there are still guys that can reach a pretty high level in the sport relying more on strength and making technical mistakes. I think gymnastics is much less forgiving in that respect.
  12. Those dudes have an insane combination of strength, flexibility, balance and grit. They are very impressive to watch. I have to think many of these guys would make great wrestlers.
  13. If you disagree with him, fine. But where is your argument? I guess you aren’t able to say what is you disagree with him on so you just throw out insults, hoping that will discredit him? Is that the best you can do?
  14. My point exactly. Break dancing is among the worst examples.
  15. Probably because they aren’t really accessible to most. How many can afford a horse or to go sailing? These are competitions limited to the upper class and probably only have thousands to tens of thousands of participants worldwide. No way they belong in the Olympics.
  16. The Olympics have always been among my favorite athletic events. For the most part, it’s still up there, but every Olympic cycle it becomes a bit more frustrating. Why? Because there are a number of Olympic competitions that cheapen what it has traditionally meant to win an Olympic gold medal. I would consider them to fall into one of the two following categories: 1. non-sports - example would be shooting or equestrian. There are competitors in these competitions that are literally in their 40s or 50s and well past their athletic peak. 2. Could technically be considered a sport but not a real test of athleticism or widely participated in the same way that more classic Olympic events like Track, swimming or wrestling are. Some examples would be skateboarding or BMX racing. The 2024 Summer Olympics will have 32 “sports”. By my count a third to a half fit the two conditions above. Off the top of my head break dancing, BMX racing, equestrian, sailing and skateboarding are competitions that don’t belong in the Olympics. A gold medal winner in these is in no way comparable to a gold medal winning runner or swimmer. It’s a shame what the Olympics are turning into. They lose the prestige it means to win a gold a little more every cycle. Ok, rant over. Let the games begin.
  17. Where can we bet these lines?
  18. I remember watching ESPN’s The Season, and his Dad came off as both scary but also pretty funny and down to earth.
  19. Mocco had a lot of hype, not just because of his wrestling accomplishments, but also because he looked a 28 year old scary man.
  20. I struggle on this one. In theory it should be legal between two consenting adults. while I have no numbers to back this up I have a strong suspicion that in practice the vast majority of females in that line of work are taken advantage, mistreated and many outright forced into it. I think the number of women doing this on their own free will with no violence or safety repercussions is probably very low.
  21. Someone claimed in another thread that Coleman Scott interviewed
  22. “This is such a straw man. Nobody is singling out AIPAC as a boogeyman.” Complete nonesense. Did you not read the title of this thread? Contrary to your claim, AIPAC represents American voters who are pro-Israel. They are not an agent of the Israeli government. Pro-Israel Americans have a right to stump for their cause without accusations of dual loyalty, nefarious Jewish control etc.
  23. Bowman was clearly in trouble months and months ago, same with Cori Bush. Ilhan Omar squeaked by her primary opponent in 2022 and he had basically no institutional support. She is in a battle right now against the same guy. You seem unopen to the possibility that voters in these districts want real solutions when it comes to improving their lives, and the squad members are focused on culture war nonesense. As an example, Omar got real pushback from her constituents around defunding the police. She had to backtrack because it became a liability to her. Voters in districts like hers are sick of that nonesense. You can criticize the outsized influence of PAC money, which I would agree on. AIPAC plays by the rules of the same dirty game every other PAC does, they are just effective. To single out AIPAC as the boogey man, and say you are not aloud to criticize Israel or else smells of Jewish conspiracy to control. Pathetic.
  24. I think this is wrong. Kolat built up Campbell a few levels and as far as I know didn’t leave because of the issues you describe, but probably because he wanted to focus more on the wrestlers and not admin stuff. Navy is a unique DI program where that might be more possible than non-academy schools. Henson was not able to do much at WVU, and jumped ship every year or two before he was a head coach. Navy has been fairly competitive since Kolat took over. i don’t think the comparison you made is accurate here, other than Kolat moved around a lot for a period of time.
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