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Everything posted by BuckyBadger

  1. Hard to see Spencer being done. He is still fresh from his finals performance and emotions are running high. Not surprised to hear some of his comments, but with some time and perspective that may change. Maybe he takes some time off, but I think he’ll be back for another cycle.
  2. I remember thinking in 2021 that the way he lost was going to haunt him. And then in 2024 he almost has it happen twice. That would have been torturous. Glad to see him finally get the Olympic gold.
  3. Asian countries dominate in weight lifting at the lower weights.
  4. Japan is excellent in lower weights, and also produce some stud middleweights (but with less consistency). Very rarely do they have a competitive upper weight.
  5. I’m surprised a lot of folks seem to be writing off Higuchi. He is looking just as dominant as Lee and he’s an Olympic silver medalist. Lee might be wrestling a guy who is superior on their feet, which I’m not sure has happened in a long time. It’s going to be a tough match.
  6. I think the issue with Brooks is he didn’t do a lot of international tournaments prior to the Olympics. Remember when Taylor arrived on the freestyle scene it took him a while to adjust before he became what he has been the last 5years or so. I’m always a bit worried about a guy that is so new on the scene and the Olympics are their first major senior level tournament. Simply having been there before counts for a lot on the big stage.
  7. Lee is looking really good but Abullayev has some really funky dangerous stuff. It won’t be a cake walk in the semis.
  8. What was that call to overturn the pin?
  9. She can go to college later on. I would imagine she is able to earn some money through endorsements etc from her recent success. Why go to college now when she is arguably the P4P in women’s wrestling? Even if she gets injured at some point, it probably makes more sense to pursue international results as opposed to a scholarship to college.
  10. I’m still not clear on the rules. I saw plenty of matches where they seem to put both down automatically, regardless of the action. Other matches where they put one guy down and that was it.
  11. Do they automatically put both down, or are they only supposed to put the guy down not controlling the middle?
  12. I’ve seen a number of matches where wrestler A is the aggressor while wrestler B is more defensive. Wrestler B gets put down for passivity. Then A continues to be the aggressor but he gets put down. It’s like the refs automatically put both down regardless of who the aggressor is. Anyone else see it the same?
  13. Perhaps, if the Iranians are aware of Brook’s previous comments.
  14. What do you mean “full blooded”? Are you saying American is an ethnic group?
  15. As more is coming out about this case, if the competitors are DSD it’s possible that it’s not simply higher levels of testosterone, but one where they are born with internal reproductive organs of both sexes. I don’t know if that’s the case here, but if so, it’s not the case of a biological female simply producing higher levels of testosterone. And not comparable to a basketball player that is 7 ft. I do an acknowledge the nuance and gray area of this situation as opposed to a Lia Thomas example. However, in a sport like boxing the stakes are much higher in the sense that someone with male strength (or even in between) fighting a woman is playing with fire. If these competitors are born with both male and female reproductive organs, I think it’s pretty clear they should not be in the ring with biological females.
  16. US flag being burned in Times Square and Hamas flags being flown. This is not the exception anymore, but becoming more common. Anyone that sees the protests here as simply about Palestinians being oppressed is lying to themselves.
  17. If your going to be distrustful of the IBA because of corruption, then you have to be equally suspicious of the IOC, which has their own history of very shady behavior.
  18. In the case that this is a biological woman who happens to have abnormally high levels of testosterone, I would say it is different than a Leah Thomas situation. It’s an area of gray area as far as I’m concerned. But there are two things that don’t really make sense in this case. 1. A testosterone test is not a test of gender and the IBA said they both failed gender tests. 2. The way the Italian forfeited mid bout is very weird. To me that would suggest she sensed something abnormally dangerous. It’s possible she is just using it as an excuse to quit. But if not, it doesn’t make sense. Interested to hear how you would explain these two @uncle bernard@1032004
  19. And if the testosterone levels were off the charts would you be ok with that?
  20. There you go, just throw out insults to anyone that disagrees with you.
  21. But when they fail a gender test it does.
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