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Everything posted by gimpeltf

  1. Creative accounting aside- like some B1G schools did in the 90s, a scholarship for an out of state costs $10 and in state $7 so no. Nothing to spread around. They cost what they cost.
  2. I thought they just had them move and not all together.
  3. I don't see where it mentions scoring. Art. 11. Stalling — Offensive and Defensive Position. Offensive and defensive wrestlers shall make an attempt to sustain active wrestling and remain in the competition circle.
  4. Kind of like a while back when it appeared PSU had a pre-Lock Haven major!
  5. Not until he 80s
  6. The rules for qualification are independent of those for certification, so I don't understand your point. I see other posts after yours making suggestions to connect them some, which is fine but you're implying a breaking of rules here. It sounds like Princeton is doing that to protect his safety not endanger it.
  7. I have some indirect contact with them and they are looking to more physically merge the systems. Apparently Track made getting to the opc database difficult. I wish they had addressed this first but either they didn't or couldn't. As to whether sports emails get through in any given area it's still somewhat about whitelisting. They would have been accepting others for years and just recently dealing with Flo (especially a noreply email).
  8. It's still at least in part a whitelisting issue at the schools end. Perhaps the word wrestling in domain name doesn't affect the same way as sports (flosports). However, I know in using Flo registration that the password emails have more trouble getting through than the emails created by the admin even though sent through the same company (Twilio/SendGrid). I use both (Twilio/SG) although nowhere near the volume obviously and noticed more email issues once Twilio bought SendGrid- which happened around the same time as the Track/Flo merger.
  9. Or the edus autospam them because of a sports word in the domain name.
  10. Just white-out the 1!
  11. He advertised Viagra now it's deodorant.
  12. I did use to play chess and ran a few tournaments so I have some understanding of the FIDE rating system (not really that much but enough to be dangerous). Questions I would ask from this scenario- 1. Were others bouts and wrestlers involved in the time frame between the previous published rankings and that one you reference? I assume NCAA finals. Were the ELOs published between semis and finals? 2. Is more of an RPI than a straight up ELO? If so, then as the others that those two wrestled competed their scores would change and it's possible then for both to rise.
  13. You don't look like Anthony Quinn
  14. That wasn't the point. The commercials aren't subject to anything local to the event site.
  15. They aren't being streamed from the site.
  16. Not to qualify, to prequalify a spot for your conference.
  17. Does that make it 10 in the Finals?
  18. Caruso had 33 bouts prior to EIWA- total in 3 seasons!
  19. Sort of. Freshmen can use them either half of season. First half is before the tenth date of competition. Anyone else needs to use them only during first half and at that would have to prove actual injury.
  20. I never see the subject!
  21. Basically means they're very strong. The ACL keeps the femur from sliding forward compared to lower leg. So do the hamstrings if strong enough.
  22. Wilkes? (Just realized we can do actual emojis!)
  23. Now that I think back, the confusion to me wasn't whether they had the same exceptions per se but whether a kid could use the two dates for the price of one exceptions on different dates than his institution if that possibility existed.
  24. I didn't answer for this reason. The above refers to dates pertaining to institutions not necessarily individuals (who knows?). I figure that it applies to both but ... Like I often say- the compliance manual is like reading James Joyce's Ulysses- 500 pages of occasional gibberish.
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