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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. I'm not in either D or R camp, you folks on either side keep accusing me of being with the other. It just isn't true. I will freely admit that the only presidential candidate I dislike is Trump - not because he's an R, but because he's a cartoon. He should be wearing a hamburglar outfit and signature red tie. It'd probably help his chances among anyone misguided enough to support him. Again - not a D vs R thing, it's just that I see him as a criminal - and the criminal justice system appears to largely agree with my perspective. D's do plenty wrong - just as R's do. I don't know how many times I have to repeat it. Something that should be so obvious to everyone, yet so many have such closed minds they can't detect the obvious. Trump aside, I think the rest of the politicians on both sides are roughly the same. What I don't do is subscribe to silly conspiracy theories like a misled child (D or R.) That is just a bunch of bologna created to somehow justify a R or D allegiance that really shouldn't exist in the first place. That's my position. I don't have any interest in changing yours. Figuring it out for you is your job, not mine.
  2. No, I'm not saying anything you posted above - at all. I disagree with all of it. I'm saying that you're playing in a sandbox full of conspiracy theories and silly arguments. And rather than being a "school mum" trying to correct you - I'm better off letting you be you. I expect that you'll figure it out on your own.
  3. A post "so dumb", "so dumb" - ("how dumb was it") - it was "brain busting dumb." It seems that scourge just busted your overrated brain.
  4. Looks like a Mickey Mouse GIF. Maybe you forgot to add the text to make sense of it. Or maybe it's just a China thing. As much as I try, your posts make so little sense.
  5. Thanks for the post. Well done, impressive. And at the end of the day (or in this case the end of the B1G tournament), it's hard to imagine a scenario where Starocci doesn't qualify... Except the definition of "must wrestle two bouts", and if that differs in any way from Injury Defaulting two bouts.
  6. Which part of calling out the truth makes "politics" not my thing, exactly?
  7. Trump's golf courses have employed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants maybe millions. Maybe more than any golf courses have ever seen in the history of our country. Record breaking amounts. No wall in Florida. Can't build a wall for boats. They come in day and night. We've all seen the videos. Trump has watched them himself; all he sees is the Hispanics - he doesn't see any white people. None. We know what it is happening. It is a national emergency, a national crisis. I don't know, I haven't seen it - but that's what many people are saying.
  8. Was he one of the many illegal migrants working at Trump's golf courses? "I don't know, I haven't seen it - but that's what many people are saying."
  9. Oh boy. More of this again. When you are ready to post like a legitimate person, come back and try again.
  10. Why would I think that? What is wrong with you? Why are you trying to make this about you? Go back and read the posts, the influence I was referring to was to a specific incident. One that you weren't part of. It wasn't about you - it had nothing to do with you.
  11. You use a LOT of words and a LOT of links. It does become a chore to try to follow your line of thinking, to say the least. Here's a quick rundown of what actually happened. Focus on the part about "two weeks before the presidential election", that's the zinger. On July 10, 2015, the FBI opened a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State. On July 2, 2016 FBI agents completed their investigation by interviewing Hillary Clinton at FBI headquarters, following which Comey and his associates decided there was no basis for criminal indictments in the case. On July 5, 2016, Comey announced the FBI's recommendation that they file no criminal charges relating to the Hillary Clinton email controversy. During a press conference, Comey called Secretary Clinton's and her top aides' behavior "extremely careless" but concluded that "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case". On October 26, 2016, two weeks before the presidential election, Comey learned that FBI agents investigating an unrelated case involving former congressman Athony Weiner had discovered emails on Weiner's computer. Comey decided he had to inform Congress that the Clinton investigation was being reopened due to new information. Justice Department lawyers warned him that giving out public information about an investigation was inconsistent with department policy. On October 28, Comey sent a letter to members of Congress advising them that the FBI was reviewing more emails. Members of Congress revealed the information to the public within minutes. On November 6, 2016, Comey wrote in a second letter to Congress that "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July". On May 9, 2017, President Trump formally dismissed Comey, less than 4 years into his 10-year term as Director of the FBI. Comey first learned of his termination from television news reports that flashed on screen while he was delivering a speech to agents at the Los Angeles Field Office. Two weeks before the presidential election, the FBI (shockingly) reported that they were reopening an investigation into Hilary Clinton. An investigation that had been closed for over 4 months. A couple weeks later, it turned out to be nothing. Nothing at all... except for the hugely significant impact it had on the election. Roughly 5 months later, Cohen gets the boot. Mspart is right - I'm not so sure this was a conspiracy theory. The email server part clearly was conspiracy theory. But the part where Comey weaponized the FBI against Hilary and then got kicked to the curb to tie up loose ends. That part is plenty suspicious.
  12. I stand corrected - (4) people found it interesting! Well, (5) if you include me. Not a Brit but I do like the occasional School Mum humor as well as the next bloke.
  13. "Picking fights?" I did nothing of the sort. Read it again. Your post was so thick with hypocrisy, I felt obligated to point it out to those that didn't immediately see it. That's why we're all here, right? To share opinions and perspectives. Should I not share my perspective on your post being hypocritical because it might hurt your feelings? We certainly aren't here to try to drive others off, or to personally insult them for their beliefs. Right? I can clearly see the difference between comments that are pointed and sharp and move the conversation forward, and comments that are insulting just to be insulting and petty. You sometimes post as if you don't see the difference. See here... this guy has no clue about the difference. Just useless a petty insult, no conversation to move forward.
  14. I'm curious. What is your primary concern here? What is unprecedented that has you so worked up? That... That is surprisingly kind of you to be so concerned. I applaud your unselfishness and empathy. You are a bigger man than I had given you credit for. (Up until now, I thought you were trying to support Biden's opposition.)
  15. Even more incompetence from you so quicky? <Yawn> I already answered it. See quote below. Person of authority (on this social media site) using his influence in order to intimidate voter on his site. It is very clearly an example of intimidation of voters. You seem eager to argue with childish remarks - but not so eager to read and comprehend. Which makes you a bore. What's your point? What are you trying to say? If you think you have a genuine point - spit it out already.
  16. I don't believe you, based solely on your emoji incompetence. Here's the "an clown" for you And while I'm at it, I'll give you "plenty of them"...
  17. And yet, you continue to post like a hypocrite - adding nothing to this conversation while being extremely unappealing.
  18. If you want to see dull, maybe make a chart to illustrate your point - 2 or maybe 3 others will be interested.
  19. I don't disagree with your post. There's not much there to either agree or disagree with. But I hope you realize the dopes who immediately like and reply to your posts are just a couple of stooges.
  20. That is actually an insightful and pertinent statement (I image you didn't come up with it yourself.) The right or wrong of terrorism is exactly what separates the sides here: Hamas is small, Israel is big, so Hamas is justified in killing innocent people randomly. Screw that, kill innocent women and children and take hostages and you bastards will pay. I'm on the side of the second one (and it's not even remotely close.) But there are folks in this world that think the first one makes sense... these are who we're at war with.
  21. "Comey said it was not." You are trying to use Comey as a serious reference? After everything that has happened since then. I know you follow the news because I read your posts. Why are you acting so incredibly stupid about something you know so much more about?
  22. I was expecting some humor about your original silly "counties" comment - but this post you made was entirely humorless. It's not too late. Maybe take a 2nd run at it and see if you can dig up something funny. Maybe it'll be funny, maybe not, but it will be better than this post where you call me names and such. It was weak.
  23. Here we go again. Man, you are a hard head. I didn't say that "I didn't read that", I said I "ignored" it. Here's the post again. "Ignore" = refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally: "he ignored her outraged question" I read the damn thing, then immediately disregarded it because it was a trash chart. Work on getting a handle on the English language first, and then maybe we can discuss more topics.
  24. ... and, mspart, I expect a serious response from you. None of this political BS that your cohorts seem fond of.
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