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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. No way that's how it went down. You're sheep. You believe whatever MSM and the establishment tells you. I've got 9,500 web site links that will tell you you're wrong, and I watch Fox News every single damn day. People like you is why we need a civil war. You've been compromised by Qanooni - saw your name on the facebook. You hate Trump and that was on facebook too. My truck has Trump painted all over it and its about to run you over. ... Or you're using facts, information, and knowledge and you actually know what you are talking about. ... What's really weird is that so many people have difficulty deciding which way to go here.
  2. It'll be OK... you'll be fine. You little woke'sters just get a little overexcited sometimes.
  3. Not from Trump. All from the suckers who created them and then thought putting the 'Trump' name on them would make them more profitable. A sucker is born every minute.
  4. I made more than one point, provided context and added relevant evidence. How much more discussion gymnastics do you suggest I perform?
  5. You couldn't be more wrong on any and all of your silly little boring points. But - more importantly... Why do you have a signature that reads "Jason Bryant works here" when Jason doesn't work there? Jason hasn't worked there for quite a long time, why do you insist on lying in your signature? As far as I'm concerned, you are a lying POS every day you use that sig. It's not funny, and you should end that BS sig ASAP. It's just not right. Do what's right.
  6. I beg to differ. The part about putting clear words into clear sentences and paragraphs was pure gold. Really good stuff, compared to the drivel you post. I'm in total agreement with RedViking: So much science in the climate models that we do have a decent understanding (yet not near 100%.) Yet whack jobs can't add anything - just warnings and stupidity. I guess everybody has a station in life.
  7. You post like a ridiculous stooge. Ruse? Embezzlement? Murder?... might as well compare to Godzilla rising and the return of The Blob. It's all non-believable fiction meant for small minds. Keep posting as you do, and you'll likely become the poster child for small minds.
  8. Ultimate bragging rights - seriously? NOW you tell me. I won last year and didn't even brag once. Aw, crap. If I try to brag now, I'll just look desperate. Let this be a lesson to this coming year's winner... brag while you can. Don't wait until the end of the 3rd.
  9. You're completely mistaken. Yes, his words were clear. Each and every one. It's the putting together of the individual clear words into clear sentences and clear paragraphs that is the challenge. And in this last case, a failed one. You seem to lack a basic understanding of English here. It's not like Chinese. In English, long or short doesn't matter in the least. It's clarity that matters.
  10. Ummm... OK. It is in english, and if you can read english you should be able to read it without difficulty. So - umm... good job their, sport! Good job reading english.
  11. You. Definitely you. All you. Your post was a giant pile of word salad garbage. So... yes, you.
  12. Oh sure. I see substance so little here lately that I felt like it had gone out of style. (For you, neither) Ahem... Mspart's post was simply too long for most forum members to take the time to read. Although he may have spent some time authoring the post, it resulted in a very long and very rambling pile of words that amounted to very little message. I did read the entire thing and "critically disjointed" is the best way I can describe it. The ultimate stupidity in mspart's post was one specific comment: Mspart - that was a dog dumb stupid post. If you don't understand what we're talking about - think of it this way. We still can't predict the weather. We know a lot; we have supercomputers churning through weather models 24/7 all year long. And yet we still can't predict it all that well. Better than ever before, but not anywhere near 100%. If understanding things requires 100% certainty for you, then you'll need to find a different topic. This one isn't for you.
  13. I'm quoting what the FBI and Comey said - which I just recently posted. (Yes, I'm bringing facts to the conversation not just the BS you bring.) It isn't clear for what reason the case wouldn't be brought - only that it wouldn't be brought. Maybe because it isn't a case that could be won based on merit. Or maybe other reasons. If you claim to know - you don't. It's just guessing garbage.
  14. ... and that's just dumb political BS theatre. Good job. Now you're a clown show, too.
  15. Have you ever driven 56 in a 55 mph zone? Then you are guilty of a crime. Done it more than once, you are guilty of multiple crimes. To be blunt, your question is stupid. So little in this world is as simple as black and white. Never has been. Yet so many simpletons want to try to frame everything that way. The world has never been that simple. It's not a new thing.
  16. Same dumb things - email server, Benghazi, yada, yada... that was MANY years ago and it amounted to nothing then. I can't imagine how anyone could think it would amount to more than nothing now. What it means is that we should be pushing forward, always looking ahead and not getting bogged down by nonsense from the past. We've got a full slate of problems right in front of us right now. That's where we need to focus. So - "always forward, never back." (Do you get it this time?)
  17. Well... let's be honest (if we can do that here.) None of us are perfect. None are clean as a whistle. But that shouldn't stop any of us from pushing forward. Always forward, never back.
  18. Oh - Geez. WTF was that... waaaaaay too long. Just a hint, nobody read it all. Nobody. Have you lost your damn mind?
  19. I was actually suggesting leaving this thread here. No moves necessary by either @BobDole or @Husker_Du. My idea was simply that we have a one-day "DRAFT" thread on the college board so others could follow on draft day. There's a reason why ESPN covers various drafts in detail for multiple days... it's super interesting for fans. I also like the idea of the draft being here instead of on Zoom. This place is the HQ of wrestling.
  20. One of these things is not like the other. If you truly want it to make sense, then disregard the R vs D sides completely and rethink it. Hillary: "The conspiracy theories against Hillary are too much" - Nothing of substance ever brought, and she was never in any legal trouble. Zero - just political theatre. It's been years... geez, get over it. Time to move on. Trump: He is indicted on multiple accounts and has been found guilty - to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars he has to repay. And the lawsuits against him continue. Not because he's an unlucky nice guy. But because he's an outright criminal. Lawsuits aren't about luck - they are about the criminal justice system doing proper work. I do get it. You are a Trump believer and you want him to be a good guy so badly that you are willing to deprive yourself of reality and truth. But, at some point, you need to snap out of it. Trump is a criminal because he simply is. No other reason.
  21. The dumber political dipshits become. The dumber their R v D statements are. They go hand in hand.
  22. I'm totally cool with all fantasy threads being here after we've finished the draft. But I kind of like the idea of the draft discussion being on a single thread in the College Wrestling topic (in addition to whatever else we have going on.) Then - afterward - back here. Historically, the fantasy draft has been followed by quite a few people who aren't participating (including me at one time.) It is an interesting thing to follow for those that aren't participants... it really is. The numbers bore that out. Likely because nothing else is really going on at the time, and perspectives on relative values of wrestlers makes for an interesting topic just prior to NCAA's. I felt obligated to contribute my opinion - but I'm OK with whatever direction we go.
  23. Per usual, you're really bad at critique. Really, really bad. Maybe you should paint cats on your fingers.
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