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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Ah! You mean the "15 counties" stat you posted yourself before the creepy xwitter post reference. Cool, 15 counties. Not sure I care about those (or any) specific 15 counties. And... still... won't click creepy xwitter guy post.
  2. Nope, wrong again dummy. I read all of it. Some of it I "ignored." Maybe buy yourself a good dictionary and use it from time to time. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  3. Without any apprehension, I can tell you that I won't be clicking on an xwitter link to a post by some guy named "iamyesyouareno' as if that dude has anything to say that I need to hear. I get it. Some need to get confirmation from internet random weirdos. I don't.
  4. Conspiracy theory history doesn't inform of us anything other than not to believe conspiracy theories. "Red handed".., geezus. "Hilaries email server" was nothing but a con against her. Nothing happened to her because it was never a legitimate issue. At that time the DC email servers were notoriously security conscious. Anything that even had a whiff of not being right was blocked. Email was the way business got done, so DC'ers had to find alternatives. Gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail, etc. were not good choices - they retained rights to read and use any and all email content. So using a personal email server was a common choice. It's old news. We've been through this 1,000 times. Remember a guy named Colin Powell? He famously stood up and admitted this fact to everyone on the planet. That's the kind of person I wish we had more of. Had a backbone, wouldn't cave into political pressure, and called it like it really was based on his intellect (not what was being fed to him by the media.) Shitty conspiracy theories need to be let go.
  5. OK, fine. "Less Trump the better"... yet you keep bringing him up and posting support for him and against anyone that crosses him. But you do you. If being a shill for Trump suits you, then wear it with pride. Cute touch, the 'typing slowly' gig - so adorable. I'd say it never gets old except that it did, and it is. But you do you.
  6. I am 100% sure. This stuff isn't rocket science. All the text and posts are there. Not hard to decipher. Why so cranky in your post? If you take negative comments about Trump or the R's personally, you have a problem. For those that take negative comments about Biden or D's personally. Same thing. Get off team R or team D. Let's break it down: Chart by "EndWokeness" - I completely ignored the chart due to obvious bias and lack of credibility. Didn't care about the chart then, care even less about it now. I DID respond to that post's text "Let's defund the police, decriminalize drugs, and stop putting people in jail. What's the worst that could happen?" I posted "add making guns readily and easily available and legal to carry and you've pretty much nailed it. (If you have the backbone to do that...)" which wasn't specific to Portland, just to the post text. And expanded the conversation include the backbone (which I believe is far more important than the rest.) So, with the addition I posted and the previously posted list, the current list looks like this: Defund the police Decriminalize drugs Stop putting people in jail Make guns readily and easily available Make guns legal to carry What I posted was the irony that list makers often don't have the backbone to admit to a complete list. Per that same thing I posted that day - I stand 100% behind it. It's a good list. Nobody else was willing to include my additions - the backbone seems to be a real problem. And, no, I was in no way commenting on Portland or some states Open Carry laws. Didn't care about them then, care even less about them now. All this typing makes me hungry. I think I'm going to go eat some of that cake I have.
  7. Hey clown show, put your thinking hat on: I said nothing about Portland at all. I said nothing about "Open Carry" - anywhere. I also said nothing about "Concealed Carry." My post was about guns being easily available and legal to carry. The laws on how this is governed vary from state to state. You are purposely being a dipshit again. This really reflects poorly on you. You're supposed to be a leader here, but you fail miserably.
  8. If you are the 'President' (Husker's title in all his posts) who operates this board, you are in a clear position of influence. In addition, if you are able to ban people based on your whims - even more so. So yes - a clear position of influence here. (I thought that was obvious.)
  9. Absolutely nothing I've posted is about Portland or Open Carry. Seriously ... learn to read with critical thinking skills. If you don't know what that means - go find out (or PM me.) I feel like I'm arguing with a wooden post. You need to do better, you're failing miserably. I'm not just judging you; I can assist if you reach out. Or not. You decide.
  10. ... and NOW you're posting about Hilary? You're diggin' deep to support the orange candidate. C'mon Art. You might as well post about how bad Washington's wooden teeth were. Let history go.
  11. You are seriously sketchy ... very seriously sketchy. The claim that "I do not want Trump to be President" while fighting tooth and nail to support him makes no sense. Let me say it again - what you're posting here makes no sense. Art... it's starting to feel like you aren't who you say you are. And your motivations aren't what you claim them to be.
  12. Don't really want to wade into this mess, but feel obligated... How is it that you dopes think the orange turd is being treated unfairly? I get it, some bunch of dopes throw accusations around and pretend to be smart about law. Then the judicial system arrives and makes a professional judgement, exactly as they are supposed to do. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then... you are one of the dopes.
  13. Really. When you tell someone who is in a position of influence over you that you plan to vote for someone, and they respond that by voting that way "you're selling out your country." That is the very definition of intimidation. How can you possibly claim that person isn't intentionally trying to dissuade you from your choice? It is 100% voter intimidation.
  14. Sounds right - China prefers Trump as it strengthens their position.
  15. I didn't cite gun control... I cited making guns available - which is the opposite of gun control. This question is more about why we keep making guns more readily available than they already are and what fictional problem that somehow solves. You may need to make your way to the shallow end of the discussion pool if you can't keep your head above water.
  16. Let me get this straight: You have decided to become a Trump defender? You believe "no one was harmed"? Are you serious about that? You should not be. The "judge was antagonistic to Trump" that is an interesting take. Maybe just being an honest judge. You think the judgement made indicates the judge was a "Trump hater"? Don't see any evidence of that other than Trump losing the case. You are so far off base. ... Art - WTF? You decided to become just another cog in the Trump excuse machine? That's disappointing.
  17. Anybody who tells you that your voting choice is equivalent to 'sell out the country'... ...needs a swift kick in the ass. In the USA, nothing is more basic than a voter's right to choose. Husker - shut the ***duck** up. Trying to intimidate any voter based on your personal opinion is completely unacceptable. Seriously, shut the ***duck** up.
  18. Are a 100% complete idiot? We've been arguing about politics for the past few years. You suddenly think copying a cute little ditty about a stack of newspapers is somehow meaningful? (It is a cute little ditty. Meaningless, but cute. No way you came up with it by yourself.)
  19. Maybe vote for Nikki Haley for the win. Trump deals with criminal cases. Biden goes home to retire.
  20. I'm with you. I can't think of a single reason we shouldn't expect (or even demand) 4 years of reasonable.
  21. ... add making guns readily and easily available and legal to carry and you've pretty much nailed it. (If you have the backbone to do that... some who are strictly about party lines aren't brave enough to cross them.)
  22. Nikki Haley doesn't seem all bad? At least she's not an obvious swindler.
  23. Trump has to have mush for brains to think that nobody will notice he is a liar, cheat, and thief 24/7. Now he's selling crappy shoes with gold spray paint selling for $400... Trump isn't much more than an informercial tool selling to fools. Anyone who takes him seriously should take a good hard look again.
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