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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Yes, Amazon has proven to be extremely successful. Good for Bezos that he's done well for himself and his company. I'm sure he's worked hard for it. That, of course, won't stop me from criticizing him when he makes bonehead moves. As opposed to some others - I don't worship, idolize, or envy ultra wealthy people. Their financial status simply doesn't impress me. If money impresses you, that's fine. It's just one thing we don't have in common.
  2. X? Xwitter will never, ever be the "everything" app. Not an ice cube's chance in hell. The idea of Xwitter taking over online commerce is like the idea that Ford will take over all auto companies. The competition won't allow it to happen. Tech companies made boatloads of money because they initially existed in a space with no competition. As soon as competition arrived, their rocketing success was immediately tampered. Twitter had (1) "tech" feature that their competitors couldn't match. Did that make it worth $44 billion? Meh. Xwitter will have all it can do to keep ahead of the competition. Any plans of being "everything" are a pipe dream.
  3. Speaking of weak minded... you're really going with 'gonad sucking'? Couldn't come up with anything better? Pyles wasn't winning, hasn't won, and is mostly irrelevant. 80%+ here don't care who he is. Some guy at Flo... a company that does a half-ass job at representing the wrestling community. He's got a long way to go to get to winning.
  4. I prefer Hamiti at 174. Burn the bridges to 165. I'm all in, let's go.
  5. He should have answered "I'm a cognitively challenged old guy who wants to be a dictator, but I don't understand the question."
  6. These things are always ridiculous... but can be fun. 75% lib, 25% conservative - I really thought I would test out at closer to the roughly 50/50 I actually am. I'm betting mspart and headshuck came up 50+% lib, too. Hah! (After you've finished the survey, the site provides more information on how it works. But you've got to finish it 1st.)
  7. The naysayers seemed to think DT was announcing like he was a PSU commercial. (Which wasn't entirely wrong.) Aside from that, DT was dang impressive with his technical breakdowns. His announcing is really quite good.
  8. We'll all be surprised and amazed if Xwitter becomes much more than a social media site.
  9. The fact that the Cougar Clash was even on ESPN+ was a pretty big bonus, IMO. That was a win for wrestling.
  10. He reminds me of Shane Sparks - they are very similar that way. Both pretty knowledgeable and pretty good. They are quite OK.
  11. Wake up, dummy. I've clearly stated that Fox News is claiming that nobody wants EV's (it's not an issue about the maker of choice.) And... as far as adding AOC into the conversation, nobody cares about what AOC is doing.
  12. It's hard to follow at this point... Fox news has now claimed that electric cars (EV's) are somehow a product of the Biden administration, and nobody wants them. Yet Fox has nothing but love for... Musk, head of Tesla which is the most successful EV maker in the US. It can't possibly just be me. Does anyone else see that we are being fed a line of bullshit here?
  13. Your post here makes almost no sense at all... you seem to be infatuated/intoxicated. It's more than a little weird considering that the point (your point as well as mine) was about putting it behind us. FFS. In your words... "so we're done here?"
  14. Much better. As has always been said, honesty goes a long way. Thank you for that. I suspect we won't be meeting anytime soon, but we likely will at some point. Looking forward to it. In the meantime, cheers.
  15. You're still not being honest. Your English is piss poor, your words are wandering, and you are obviously not from the US. Why do you continue this clown show? Pretending to be something you obviously are not. You are fooling nobody.
  16. Well - thanks. I hope you are OK, too. Nobody here lives in Utopia. We all live in places that are good, and all with imperfections. I find it unacceptable for random internet posters to use my backyard as an example of some fictional tragedy they are trying to drum up. My state is doing well, hope yours is too.
  17. Mainly that I don't believe he has any interest in being in the actual news business at all. The way I see it, his only interest has been promoting himself and doing it by any means possible. Including misusing his position at Fox to leverage his desire for self-promotion - and drumming up as much hatred as he could in the process. That got him fired from Fox. Any mention of him being some kind of maga celebrity, rather than the self-promoting scum that he is, prompted my post. My following posts were dialogue between you and I for clarification. Nothing more at play. I believe you and I are now clear. And, with luck, we'll see no more mention of that s*** for brains on this thread.
  18. You can't be serious. So, you found some dumb internet article that backs your argument... and that makes you what? At best, adequate at using google? Let's be honest. There are more than enough internet sources to back every single dumb argument on the planet x1000. Flat earth? Tons of links. Valid reasons for defunding the police? Tons of links. How to speak to the dead? Tons of links. Posting a dumb link doesn't make you credible, it just makes you worthless noise.
  19. God I hope so. The sooner I don't ever hear again about that worthless news impersonator, the better.
  20. It's almost as if someone posted earlier about it not being about the trophies... (HINT: ^^^)
  21. Nah, nothing that crazy. Just regular college kid crazy. Next mic level is definitely an option.
  22. Over 5.5 million Minnesotans. Are you sure the voices you reference represent all of us? No, I didn't think so. As far as looking for police, are you quite sure of your post? I'd say you're at least 90% wrong. But what do I know, I just live here.
  23. I wouldn't imagine recommending changing your friends - just a polite thought that now might be a good time to rethink. In my experience, some friends are forever - others come and go. The extremists that are into Tucker Carlson may well fall into the latter category. Or maybe not. Doesn't matter to me.
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