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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Maybe check with Nelson on the specifics.
  2. You can... I probably won't. See! We can find common ground! Back to wrestling - nice McKee takedown.
  3. Not entirely dissimilar... but not the same. All Star loss is as LOSS. It just doesn't count against your record. A loss before the fat lady sings is a loss. It feels more like a really close almost-win, yet is still a loss.
  4. ... was losing to. Didn't actually lose. Subtle difference. (Kind of a fat lady singing type situation.)
  5. I hadn't either. I was referring to the 'knowledgeable' fans habit Tim had.
  6. I hesitate to admit this, but I do remember that as a kid. IPTV was the best wrestling coverage around and we could actually get it in southern Minnesota if you had a high-quality antenna and the weather was right.
  7. While being bored during that last match... Tim started irritating me. It's "height" - not "heighth." I see the confusion with "length" and "width", so it's understandable. But, just the same, please stop. You are a professional commentator. It's "height." Please pronounce it that way. OK, I feel better - hopefully now back to better wrestling than that Franek snoozefest.
  8. I'll predict 5 matches go each team's way. No majors. Nailbiter. No fans leave early.
  9. He's always been a go-getter! Sloths need not apply when he's in the race.
  10. That's the best take of the post. So many greats here. So many insanely great wrestling years. Why try to reduce it to a simpleton "Batman vs Superman" type argument? That's just dumb. ALL of these guys are incredibly impressive. The best part is reading through the list of the greats.
  11. 2006 Konrad over Mocco in 4th OT for NCAA Title at Hwt
  12. Says the creepy jerk acting like a creepy jerk.
  13. Don't be a creepy jerk. It's not OK.
  14. Ah, sarcasm without attempting to make any point at all. My niece used to do the same thing when she hit her early teens.
  15. Don't forget the part about facts and stuff... Egypt/Gaza border is less than 8 miles - easy to monitor with cameras and patrols. US/Mexico border is close to 2,000 miles - it's a completely different problem. Context matters. Don't be a dope and imply equivalency. You know much better than that. Leave that kind of garbage thinking to the MAGA brain dead.
  16. If you've ever wrestled, you'd know that mental toughness is the most important toughness. What's your question?
  17. What is your problem with McKee? Whatever it is, get over it. Patrick is as tough a wrestler as you'll ever run across.
  18. The very first B1G match of the season - for a competitor who cuts pretty hard (as everyone knows) - against Iowa. I wouldn't worry too much about McKee.
  19. Two things: I wouldn't worry about Ramos v Ayala or about any separation from the pack just yet. Too early to tell. I also wouldn't worry about McKee. The McKee's are made from different stuff. I'd still put $ on Patrick.
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