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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Yes. Not only "French," but an Olympic alternate from France and a French citizen.
  2. How many times did they surrender?
  3. My son is Sealand nobility. https://sealandgov.org/en-us/collections/titles
  4. Suriano doesn't even wrestle.
  5. That's right! But was 0-0 for a long time and still ranked.
  6. While I agree with your overall premise, I'm not sure the "private school" piece is as big as some make it out to be. I began my career at a high school that currently costs over $70,000 a year to attend (as a boarding student.) We had kids who had almost nothing, and were there on Boys and Girls Club scholarships, or had been caught in war in Rwanda. We had other kids who were the children of rockstars and royalty (literally.) You also have kids like Yianni and Spencer Lee. Both went to public school, but by all accounts, both are from families that are doing very very well for themselves. I'm sure there are plenty of others.
  7. All true. Worth noting that Hockey is the #1 culprit.
  8. Private schools tend to be more in line with the racial makeup of the USA than just about any public school.
  9. I agree. Should probably wrestle a match or two before being ranked. Same with my favorite NCAA wrestler. (Hendrickson) It is almost January. If you haven't wrestled a match yet, you shouldn't be ranked.
  10. Nickal has a business relationship with Jocko, so my guess is that he may have an "in" as far as the Elk trips.
  11. Actually, I have.
  12. You can't stop, can you?
  13. It doesn't look like he will be fighting a ranked guy for prob more than a year.
  14. Right... Says the guy who is obsessed and started the whole political thing!
  15. Yep. A couple of great examples of "lets destroy a thread because I disagree with someone's views on religion, politics, society, or science." Jerks.
  16. Lets keep the politics out of this forum, please.
  17. Just not sure why you brought "politics" into this... oh, you probably disagree (though you never said.) I get it.
  18. Have you considered how "political" your last couple of posts are?
  19. I'm not certain how either of those things are political.
  20. That was my guess. Although "centered" is "far left" or "far right" depending on the listener.
  21. I wonder if she does it with the other sports too? Maybe she has separate binders for each? I'm kinda wondering who she knows the demographics of each athlete or if she is just assuming this stuff?
  22. What are Joe's political views?
  23. And doesn't he have the Pan Am qualifier right around the same time as Nationals?
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