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Everything posted by Threadkilla

  1. True, but he's still a force.
  2. Trump did great. Inspite of age.
  3. He'd probably be the self procliamed front runner. He is already the self proclaimed forum legend.
  4. How many people can fly over in a day dipshit
  5. Joe wants Fent machines, how about a wall?
  6. When Joe starts rambling they shut off his mic to ease his self damage. and I thought they would censor Trump.
  7. Trump is beating the shit out of your boy.
  8. Tell her to keep watching.
  9. CNN is attempting to control the narrative on Youtube. CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN Commentary on a presidential debate is the epitome of fair use and we fully intend to provide insight and real time fact checking Thursday LIVE. However, Elon Musk made a popular political decision: X would allow third-party streams of Thursday's presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. According to Musk, his company would not take down commentary feeds streaming the debate if CNN filed such a request.
  10. Biden is a well meaning elderly gentleman, so logic is void,
  11. It's always the Democrats that cheat.
  12. Dr. Jizz will be at the ready to usher the invalid off the stage if need be.
  13. It's a bit off topic, but have you noticed that if a person has an American Flag in their yard, you know who they are voting for?
  14. I'm curious if Cael will schedule a dual with UVU, with TB there and Cody used to be the head coach.
  15. Yep, he talks in riddles and deflects everything.
  16. Most of those souces are on one of the platforms you don't visit.
  17. You really still didn't answer the question though, you said you "Don’t really have a go to. But it doesn’t take much to figure out if you’re reading/watching (particularly when watching) objective facts or biased run amuck." You said you don't go to Youtube, Twitter and TikTok and I imagine you don't go to Fox News. That leaves the other MSM. Personally I go to Youtube and Twitter and look at everything. there are alot of sources that weren't available in the past that give a totally different perspective. I read Newsweek and the NYT and other liberal rags and folllow several conservatives. Youtube is a great resource that allows you to weed through the propoganda that the MSM sells.
  18. Voter ID would help. It's going to be hard, but there are alot more eyes on the election this year. Lara Trump is hands on. There are Thousands more Volunteers, Video surveillance on dropboxes and several states have adopted that postage is required., Sequential ballots are supposed to be discarded, that was a big issue in 2020 where ballots were counted that had sequential numbers, when people request a mail in ballot it is a random ballot number, but several thousand ballots in sequential order were counted, Meaning someone took a stack and filled them out. There should be much less of that.
  19. Democrats doing democrat things.
  20. There is plenty of information out there, years worth. I just quoted Kimmel because it was last week. Here I'll help you out.
  21. You don't have to dig very deep, even Biden callng her a diversity hire. Look up her Interview on Kimmel where she got screamed off the stage. It's a thing of beauty.
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