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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Facundo and Barr are best friends from childhood. If one goes, I imagine the other will as well.
  2. A lot of whinging going on here. Coleman Scott is a big boy. He will be fine. If he decided to overlook the fact that the law requires there be a public job posting and a true vetting process of all applicants, then that is on him for not doing his diligence beforehand.
  3. I thought Duke as well, but the picture is of Sealey isn't it? Duke is a year out still.
  4. I think it would be awesome if that happened.
  5. I also think you have some 'splaining to do, @VakAttack...
  6. Gilman, Kennedy, Cox. He needs an upper weight and their might not be a better one in the country right now, as far as optics goes, than Cox. Bury the hatchet and make the phone call today, DT. Gilman and Kennedy almost seem like formalities need to simply be made at this point. Cox is the final piece.
  7. How does this look at Beaver Stadium? 125 - Spratley VS Lilledahl (Davis) 133 - Cannon (Hughes) VS Nagao (Davis) 141 - Jamison VS Bartlett (Evans) 149 - Alirez VS SVN (Kasak/Evans) 157 - Parco VS Sealey (SVN) 165 - Fish VS Mesenbrink 174 - Hamiti VS Facundo 184 - Plott VS Barr 197 - Carroll VS Starocci 285 - Pindrickson VS Kerkvliet *BOLD INDICATES TRANSFER Is it wild or recency bias that makes me believe that is an actual dual? Does this make Coach Caelingharner keep Haines down at 157 and Starocci at 174 as a precautionary?
  8. I would think that Alirez to OSU is also a higher possibility than it was last week as well.
  9. Especially with the new Grad transfer rules that just went in to effect this last month. There is still another portal possibility in the fall. Keep watch for gents who decide to defer first semester enrollment? Also, my list for Pindrickson just went from Mizzou - UofM - OSU - Minny to OSU - UofM - Mizzou - Minny.
  10. Also Duke and Lightning Luke just signed their proper NLIs as well.
  11. Portal is closed, gents. Closed Saturday.
  12. The time you are indicating is Retherford and Johnny D, which was a 1 V 2 not a 2 V 4. Irrelevant. The rules on how to make the team (#1-4) were clearly stated last fall. Zahid chose not to even wrestle for #3. He earned #4, not #3 and especially not #2. I also think he was cheated out of beating Brooks, just so that is also clear. Just because I believe he would have beaten Thicclay doesn't mean he did. He didn't. In fact, Thicclay took the mat in the Zahid - Thicclay match and had his hand raised.
  13. It isn't my opinion. It is what they have both said over and over and over.
  14. Cael and DT aren't nearly as successful without Cunningham and all the top recruits know that.
  15. OSU and Mizzou have a slew of age level world medalists for him to train with. Not advocating for either of them, just saying that the stable there is also quite full.
  16. Selfridge Air National Guard Base is basically the same distance from Ann Arbor as Vance is from Stillwater.
  17. To be clear I would have also advocated for Mesenbrink to challenge Dake at 74 KG, for Moore to challenge Snyder, and Gwiazdowski to challenge Parris if put in the same scenarios where the gent sitting out had lost, but they didn't. That said, Zahid doesn't have a fart's chance in a shit storm here. He lost that right when he decided to not actually wrestle back, which Thicclay did.
  18. Michigan also has Olympian Adam Coon in-house as well.
  19. The only case he would have is IF Trent Thicclay turned down the opportunity to wrestle DT off for the spot (if they even had a 'special' special wrestleoff). Zahid has no case for #2. He is #4. That isn't how it works - he couldn't just leapfrog #3. He chose to not wrestle for #3 and now he thinks he can choose to wrestle for #2? GTFOH. Now if you said that Thicclay should 'sue' for the shot to wrestle DT, then yes. I would agree with you there. Zahid decided that wrestling was too tough for him and didn't wrestle the matches required to earn the #3 spot.
  20. I fail to see any reasoning as to why Gable would go back to Minnesota. Did he qualify for an Olympic redshirt this last year? If he goes back he surely has to wrestle, right? Unless folks think he will be purely focused on MFS going forward and will go to Minnesota for that (a logical choice, mind you).
  21. Well I sure AF hope they don't use those ones in the promo shoot...
  22. I made myself sad with this when I looked at the 74 KG team... https://www.themat.com/team-usa/national-team
  23. I think both Orange and Maroon looked like dog shite on him.
  24. There are two to three people that you try to get an interview with, no matter what. Cunningham is one of them. DT and JB are likely the other two.
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