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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. 92 KG is going to be tough at WTT. Anybody have any guesses as to who from 97 KG, 86 KG, and possibky even 79 KG we see there? Keep in mind Top 7 qualify.
  2. Macch blew that open. I hope Moore heals well in time for WTT.
  3. Nicky Skeletor just needs to be more tan than his Mexicano teammates.l so as to blend in better.
  4. He damn near died on the mat. Brooks broke him as much as he just flat out gassed. Constant pressure and physicality. Impressive by Brooks.
  5. The Brain said Moore was hurt earlier this tournament. If he is not 100% Macch can take this. Hell, he could even if Moore was 100%.
  6. I am happy to be proven wrong by Brooks, fwiw. I did not think his physical growth would be that much of a game changer on Zahid.
  7. Sorry, I didn't mean to cheapin the first period for you...
  8. Sorry. They took the last 2 off. 16-7 Parris to end the first.
  9. Holy hell, Hendrickson. Goes up 7-0 on Parris then loses 18-7...
  10. He was gifted that win. Stupid as hell.
  11. I really just do not like Marstellar's style. At all. It is the worst of the guys now qualified for Final X and none of the guys left to wrestle are as crap to watch.
  12. Hips don't matter if you can't bring them for the full six minutes and the other guy is that much better than you.
  13. Fix at 57 KG =/= Fix at 61 KG for Freestyle. He never came close to medalling at 57 KG. He was weaponized at 61 KG. I think he beats that Silver version if Fix. That is saying a lot more than beating Daton Stix at 57 KG.
  14. He appears to be at a level where he can attain a Worlds medal. He wasn't there last year. Argue that all you want. He wasn't.
  15. Holy shit Sasso. Even I was rooting for you after that beating he gave you last year.
  16. I don't think so. What we have seen since his loss to Latona is an entirely level or two above. Last year he lost to Glory twice. While Glory did win NCAAs this year he also got handled by NC State's Comacho pretty quickly, pretty easily.
  17. At least he has that tan going for him out there, right?
  18. She kind of just stood up and made no effort to circle in. To be clear Gray just pushed her straight out three straight times. She knew what she was doing, though, as she threw her arms up after the third pushout before the 3rd C1 was even called. She gave up after Gray showed no fight and little life in the first five minutes.
  19. I believe @Mike Parrishcalled Guilford being oir 2024 rep, right? She is up 5-0 on Gray.
  20. I charged that in the 80s. I am way cheaper now. So cheap I actually pay you.
  21. Not quite that dark. I am a bit thinner but much thicker in the gonad area.
  22. Facundo can Olyshirt. Askren went over this. He didn't travel much until late and he isn't big on his AWA guys cutting weight so he flew under the radar and didn't have any interest aside for Cal B until after he beat Haines. He could have gone just about anywhere but he felt he owed it to the coaches to give them a shot.
  23. I am with you. To help explain it a tad bit further: Taking someone from now with today's training possibilities just would not be fair. Putting them in the training scenarios of the 70s, 80s, or even 90s and they have lower ceilings.
  24. To be clear, I am a stud from the 80s.
  25. You were very clear. Some people don't maths good.
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