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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Rigged. He had it locked.
  3. Gomez had a silver first.
  4. I think Chance had the results to show he was a Worlds contender, but he was also able to focus on JB as well. It wasn't just two years. He has been the guy at his weight class for a decade.
  5. I do like the singlets to Russo-gents are wearing, tbh.
  6. He has done it before, though. Didn't he win a couple medals already? Maybe bronze, but still.
  7. Gomez was a Silver medalist was he not? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Gómez
  8. Rivera is going to beat Musukaev.
  9. Talking to you @Spladle08
  10. So... Now what about Lee having Rivera's spot and making the finals... something or other... ?
  11. I expected him to be down more early.
  12. Okay, bud. Enjoy the show.
  13. Rivera looks good. Being down 2-0 is good for him at the break. Thinking he can gas him out...
  14. Musukaev legitimately cannot breath right now. Why would Iran challenge that?
  15. This is true in every universe as well. I hope I am wrong about this one too. I won't be. I hope I am.
  16. I didn't know if I should laugh or like this. I did laugh react because of the first part. The latter is great advice.
  17. Some people make uninformed opinions. You gents know I follow wrestling rather avidly across all platforms. You gents also know that speculation has been out there for many years that the former Russians don't try, except a select few, against the current Russians. This opinion is not uninformed. Tinfoil hat all you want... this kid wrestles for the guy he is FIXing to wrestle in the semifinals. Ignore that as you wish. Also, if I go bald, my mom isn't being honest with us. Every mothertrucker on both sides of the family goes back and grow a full-on afro until the day they all passed. My mum is a saint, though. Bless her.
  18. Also... FYI... in case people want to have wool over their eyes for it with the 97 KG semifinals... The kid legitimately wrestles for Sadulaev when he isn't donning a Bahrainian singlet.
  19. Anyone else up for Arujau to 65 KG and not 57 KG? If someone's peak weight is higher than the weight class they are going for, I imagine they will perform worse while sucking. I have a feeling Zain is going down. 70 KG is perfect for him... 74 KG is close than 65 KG, so I would prefer he go up. I imagine he's going down, though. Imagine this... Lee gets Bronze. Zain and Arujau are sitting in the semifinals at OTT. That bracket would be bonkers. I think Arujau pulls a Stalrocci, though, and heads to a different weight from his Bestie.
  20. Micic (homer because Michigan), Dake (homer because USA), Usmanov, Nurmagomedov (homer because Zahid) Objectively speaking I think Usmanov is the only pick I have confidence in. Moderate confidence in Nurmagomedov, 50/50 on Dake, and probably less than 10% on Micic... Higuchi is going to be big.
  21. Last word?
  22. The disrespect for Jen Page in the OP is embarrassing.
  23. Do you even follow wrestling or are you okay being stupid?
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