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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Leave this here as a reminder when theys officially died in the Moral Fiber department...
  2. I think Hamiti is the current best wrestler and they are trying to win duals that they shouldn't be worries about losing but are worried about losing. I don't know what his weight is, but presuming he makes it up to 174lbs, he has a little under four weeks to make it back to 165lbs. Meaning it would take just under four werks to descend appropriately. Soooo... I say if we see him against Ruth in February than he might be staying up. Long story short: I have no clue.
  3. 165 top 6 seeds go 1 2 3 5 4 6.
  4. Also, sorry I couldn't get the basis of it before.
  5. I don't particularly care how I am acting on this specific subject, regardless of which social media outlet it is. It is pathetic and weak-minded to still be on Pyle's gonads about it. He legitimately showed he had a pair by defending himself, his co-worker(s?), and his product and the first thing every single idiot wants to do is suck on them extensively (the gonads). It would be pathetic it it was a private conversation via text. It would be pathetic if it was in a a book or magazine. It would be pathetic if it were scribed in to ancient stone tablets. That is what makes it absolutely phucking hilarious. He isn't winning, he's won.
  6. Bith Maylor and Hamiti were up a weight again against Rider.
  7. He is a polarizing personality in an industry (journalism and/or wrestling) where it pays to be polarizing - both figuratively and fiscally. The amount of heads he is going to live in rent-free is only going to increase.
  8. I don't read good enough to understand that, sorry. I did try, though.
  9. On Twatter? So again, mud gets thrown at you and you turn the other cheek and wipe it off...? That isn't how social media works today, bud.
  10. Yeah. Typing comprehension nore reading comprehension is @Paul158's strong suit, apparently. Also, I would challenge you (Paul) to watch Focus's matches thus far. I don't care what the scores are/were... they were not challenging for him. Sake for Sealey. I have not watched all of Locket's (yet).
  11. This was inaccurate. The Top 6 will place Top 6.
  12. 5 - 3 over Novak after coming off injury needs no explanation. He gets that tank and he is contending. His length will gice Brooks and Hidlay fits, methinks.
  13. Not per the seeds.
  14. Like... I am okay not discussing this anymore because I actually think it is weak and pathetic to be on Pyle's ballsac over this. I seriously dislike that guy's character for many reasons already. This doesn't add to it for me. It can for you. Free rent.
  15. There was obviously ulterior motive in the Willie crap. The definition of wrong is the same in every dictionary and not a matter or moral factors. He did nothing wrong. Lack of maturity, sure. That was par for the discussion already as Borelli had already showed the same level of class... before Pulendid.
  16. Like... I don't even like Pyle. This whole rhetoric that he did something wrong is pathetic.
  17. If you want to fabricate something from twisted information just like the turdbiscuit on Twatter, go ahead. Free country. Pyle not once said American or any wrestler or coach from American didn't matter. So, turn the other cheek just like the coach did(n't) right? Weak.
  18. They all made sense so I was like 'Cool shit.'
  19. Also, @flyingcement, I legit thought your OP was the results for a bit.
  20. Yes.
  21. On twatter? This week? Nope.
  22. Every Top 5 seed at 165 has bonused both their prior matches so far. Two out of ten are Majors, the rest are Pin or Tech.
  23. So turn the other cheek mentality when idiots and ignorami run rampant in your comments? Had he done that we would be talking about his lack of testicular fortitude. He did nothing wrong.
  24. Oh god. @Husker_Du?!
  25. Are the six the same guys as the top five?
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