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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. i remember seeing nothing like this in my loans or my daughters loans. there are some loans that have forgiveness clauses....but that's not whats going on. she almost got some of hers forgiven... but didn't qualify they are handouts... and many to cronies you might be thinking about pell grants and other programs.
  2. no thats a busy day for her if elected she said she would release all the illegal immigrants.. but again.. what's stopping her that's what's so funny about her... she doesn't realize
  3. dont you dare use his logic against him
  4. maybe the japanese just began their great decade... and we are coming out of ours
  5. i just hit bob dole, b/c to actually click the others you have to be able to make a straight line to them... and some have accused me of drunk posting... and well maybe...
  6. you seem upset leaving out covid is classic biden look at all the jobs i created
  7. i dont disagree, but when Trump said it... lots of leftists got the vapors
  8. it was normal in the south.. but in the entire country? no. it wasn't.
  9. i agree, it is dangerous if they go in there
  10. wait, another poster said that folk and free couldn't be done the same
  11. i agree that we might be.. but where are we going to find all these coaches, who are so well versed most coaches barely know folk.
  12. as far as Dake first he is old. but more important.. and im going to be crucified for this... b/c he is really good and I love watching him too etc etc but i see him a little like the kid who doesn't listen to his coach. i did this once and im going to keep doing it... you can't tell me how to get better etc etc i mean he argued with the entire arena for like 5 minutes.
  13. wait singles and doubles and hi C only work in folk? go behinds only work in folk? noose series only works in folk? I saw someone other than DT was folk top work at the olympics... someone from another country. as to the OP WRESTLING isn't a priority in this nation. let alone freestyle
  14. this is tim on 9/11/21 first off bagram is in afghan. but he clearly is trying to make it look like he was there this was probably about him when he went to visit as an elected official... but the first sentence is used to make it appear he served there
  15. did he turn into varnish?
  16. what did i post that was proven false
  17. suddenly no taxes on tips is a good idea.. i wonder why
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