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Scouts Honor

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  1. back to the topic of being polite in mixed company. a while back, my in laws... STAUNCH liberals.. ( they have posed pictures with Hillary and another prominent dem.. escapes me whom...) had a party.. can't remember if it was a birthday or anniversary anyway.. all their friends were there... many from the postal workers union where they worked for many years and were active in union business etc... so i go outside and sit at one of two picnic tables with my niece and we talk about her softball team etc.. eating our burgers a few of the guests come out and sit down.. most look normal... but probably 4 of the 10 had blue/purple hair... and were kind of out there... i just say hi, how you doing... they do same... and sit down at the two tables around us a couple sat in front of me... and i asked them how they were etc... and where they were from ... and how they knew my inlaws... and we had a great convo about families etc as we were talking I could here the table next to us talking about Trump and what an idiot he is... and all kinds of stuff.. just whining etc.. i just ignored it. but the lady in front of me started to piggy back on it and tried to get our table talking about it... she said she just couldn't understand how anyone could support him.. etc.. and wouldn't feel comfortable being around anyone like that and was glad that my inlaws were dems and wouldn't invite someone like that i changed the subject immediately.. asking the husband... ( he had mentioned cars earlier) what kind of car he liked... was he ford/ chevy/dodge etc.. and the started telling me about a car he was redoing and showed me pics... and we had another 10 minutes of fun all this time she started in on the other side of the table.. continuing her complaints again. i asked one of the other guests something about what they had mentioned earlier... and got the convo going in that direction... pretty soon, tired of me changing channels on her.. she asked me what I thought of Trump i said, well , he is an idiot... but given the alternative... and btw, i am a republican... my niece and I were alone within 3 minutes
  2. btw, same son... caught in a sting... girl was in late 20's he knew her didn't card her. she was part of sting.(pretty shitty of her to go thru with it) had to pay a fine and a diversion class. bar owner paid a bigger fine. lawyer friend, former wrestler got both fines reduced...
  3. so when a black gets carded... does he cry racism... b/c it's racist to require ID? i mean... marriage is white supremacy these days
  4. people under 18 dont need an ID... they dont' vote
  5. my son had surgery today. needed his ID went to pharmacy... i needed ID he went to fill out paperwork for his new job.. needed his BIRTH CERTIFICATE
  6. i think the person allowing the vote should be treated like a bar owner
  7. im 53, my wife and i get carded all the time.
  8. i remember hearing about billy martin and gene mills before college.. but nothing more than mean really...
  9. ok i grant you some states about marriage i had to show my ID to get a marriage license
  10. https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2024-05-01/michigan-senate-passes-election-recount-bill
  11. wiki says there has been 4 since 2005
  12. must have read something else... went from 2005 to 17, 18, 22, 23 must have been somewhere else
  13. https://theethicalskeptic.com/2024/05/23/master-exothermic-core-mantle-decoupling-dzhanibekov-oscillation-theory/
  14. Florida is 10 years without a hurricane i read somewhere there is science guy who says the ocean temps are from the core temp
  15. it is.. you just want to slap the parents... they say this in front of the kids
  16. i did find something that said that cannibis brought in more than alcohol or cigarettes but even with all that money.. https://www.cpr.org/2023/12/11/cannabis-taxes-have-not-solved-colorados-budget-woes/
  17. A new report from Colorado Christian University's Centennial Institute claims that "for every dollar gained in tax revenue, Coloradans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of [marijuana] legalization." That factoid is already showing up in arguments against legalization, even though it is plainly ...Nov 30, 2018
  18. gone the way of the dodo i know several families who's sole purpose is to freeload. they refuse help from family and friends... ' we are going to get our checks...' 'we don't care what anything looks like' 'if we play the game, we get the money'
  19. you might be right.. and i understand the whole underground thing... but how many children, teens, young women, will start out on their own and be... taken over.. i agree with your views on marijuana as well... also, there was a study done in colorado...for every $ of tax revenue, 4 new $ went to social programs to deal with problems created by more drug use
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