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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. back in the day... the smartest went into biz. doing govt work was beneath them and b/c of the pay. but now all those busybodies are in control.. guess they were pretty smart after all...
  2. now do biden. except you never seem to have a respectful meaningful conversation... you always condescend and there it is again... condescending.
  3. yes, i realize no one should expect you to understand anything that isn't spelled out word for word for you
  4. perhaps the brain drain from cali the last few years has brought receipts down
  5. which is why they get so much money back
  6. this is how it was debunked
  7. https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c California fared a bit better than other blue states. It received 96 cents for every dollar the state sent to Washington.
  8. oh thats right.. they have been told enough times what they should believe and no facts will change their minds
  9. acutally i was wrong before.. according to AP cali's ratio is .96 so if they pay 300 they get back 288
  10. and why is it no one responded to those facts
  11. so what about blue states who want to be able to right off state taxes on their fed tax papers?
  12. it always has been bob but to argue that blue states fund red states based on this ratio is incorrect.
  13. the whole federal spending received vs. extracted is disingenuous the states with the highest ratio dont have any major corps. their income is lower and so they pay lower amounts of tax. states like cali and texas at .80 have large corp. there... not apples to apples
  14. i mean they found the boston marathon bombers in 3 days.. using pieced together footage... should be pretty easy.
  15. “Mistakes can be corrected by those who pay attention to facts but dogmatism will not be corrected by those who are wedded to a vision.” Thomas Sowell
  16. “Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence.” Thomas Sowell
  17. yes, obama NEVER fired a general they never screw up
  18. i voted for obama the first time. the reason was this: one morning i was getting ready for work and the news showed one of his speeches. and he said, the right wants this, and the left wants the other, diametrically opposed, BUT, can't we all agree that THIS is a problem and we need to find a solution... i dont remember the specifics but i thought yeah. he didn't really govern that way, was he allowed or not .. he had control of govt for 2 years... i like to think that now he would say something like this the right wants to deny trans rights(which i dont believe), the left wants to make sure they aren't discriminated against, but can't we all agree that men in womens bathrooms is not a solution
  19. you know there was a time accepted science was the flat earth... but yes, i realize that leftists claim to love everyone, but they really just want to hear from old white men see i can play that game of insults too
  20. the thing i notice is that, no one arguing with me has done much but insult me and others i at least post a few things to make you think. you just dismiss them out of hand... b/c what we are doing is working so well right? maybe, just maybe, there is another possibility other than lock step indoctrination?
  21. really? i think thats a good thing isn't it...
  22. is that why so many are moving to florida.. and texas.. to pick up that money? b/c there isn't enough where they came from?
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