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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. States with Highest and Lowest Average Student Debt Highest debt states Lowest debt states New Hampshire $39,928 Utah $18,344 Delaware $39,705 New Mexico $20,868 Pennsylvania $39,375 California $21,125 Rhode Island $36,791 Nevada $21,357 Connecticut $35,853 Wyoming $23,510
  2. Average Student Loan Debt in the United States $1.75 trillion in total student loan debt (including federal and private loans) $28,950 owed per borrower on average About 92% of all student debt are federal student loans; the remaining amount is private student loans 55% of students from public four-year institutions had student loans 57% of students from private nonprofit four-year institutions took on education debt Sources: Federal Reserve, The Institute for College Access and Success, College Board, MeasureOne
  3. again... why are we doing the student loan thing. we will just end up right back where we are in a few years. lets address the real problem skyrocketing costs in higher ed.
  4. someone getting a sweet heart deal
  5. According to CollegeBoard data on the debt borrowers held the end of the second quarter of 2022, borrowers who had over $100,000 in debt made up only 7% of the overall borrowers, while accounting for 38% of the total debt.
  6. russia russia russia funny from the party who said russia stole the election o
  7. i would agree hillary is way smarter i mean who could get away with her body count. also dont forget. Trump was a lifelong democrat, and is headed back along those lines
  8. these people should learn to code i guess
  9. still not quite certain how the govt wasn't holding up its end of the bargain. from what i read, people paid less on a payment.. but it was at 10% of their income for those months. those months were not counted as payments by the govt. Now the govt is saying that they should be counted. tell me what im missing. that doesn't sound like the govt didn't meet their obligations.
  10. yes, good ad hominem yes, i have followed many scientists and listened to their actual words you should try it sometime start with @ethicalskeptic
  11. now do the 'peer' reviewed science of covid and the jab...
  12. did you ever read the abstract of the 97% of scientists agree study.. from several years ago
  13. they cleaned it up for her... as the always do she was supposed to say pollution
  14. wow... when we invest in.. this this and this... and reduced population its worse than AI is two words...
  15. the sum of the intelligence on the earth is a constant. yet the population keeps growing
  16. so you are admitting that all these people who want loan forgiveness are NOT in the category of high level thinkers
  17. i think what husker du is saying biden made a promise that HE KNEW he could not keep.
  18. if only that was the degree they got
  19. the things i find on twitter are from scientists you dolt.
  20. yes, i realize you have no reading comprehension skills.. or other skills to make connections to a topic on a message board.
  21. They were failing to count certain payments toward the required payments. That is what is being addressed. this statement....addresses that some loans were paid at 10% of income? which means the payments at that time were less than they were 'supposed' to be. and these are now counted as the required payment.? so, in other words they tried. which is good. i like that better than just canceling i guess.
  22. here in lies the problem NO ONE KNOWS...
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