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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. oh wait.. the 80's called...
  2. you didn't answer the question
  3. i posted the one guy alone b/c he is wearin a suit a nice one at that
  4. usually all rules/laws etc are made in response to something. remember the phrase: there oughta be a law. they used to get stricter as things went, and how the 'system' saw people abuse or avoid or loophole the law so i would guess that most bail systems have become what they are b/c you are dealing with people who aren't really caring about what the court wants them to do. i would guess that a person who really wants to clear his name is not going to skip bail. and i agree its not right for the rest of us... who might get caught up in the system... or those who can't afford the bail etc. im just saying... the 'system' is following the old adage... fool me once... shame on you... fool me twice... shame on me.
  5. i agree it was a joke. must have never seen shawshank redemption
  6. really.. you know how many people in prison are innocent right?
  7. you posted the video of mtg. and really. i dont care to be good at this.
  8. ok. who was the audience? adults or kids? supposedly there are adults in congress. my position is that those kinds of images should not be shown to kids. so i made a joke about those members of congress throwing a temper tantrum.. like children...
  9. quoting a video? which video did i quote...
  10. when did i ever mention mtg? i said i dont like the republican aoc.. but that was well after anything we were posting about ok. i see the problem. the point went way over your head...as usual. you said you weren't worried about porn in schools b/c it wasn't in your area. someone else's problem. so i made a connection.. see.. people with brains... they can do that.. NYC mayor was all like.. we love migrants... texas you are whiny about nothing. then, when he found out... he was like... we can't take it... and well.. texas has a lot more than that. and so you... YOU will find out when it is in your backyard..that maybe you should have done something sooner... maybe?
  11. stop committing crime. then there wont be much to be unjust about lol...simultaneously increase crime and deilver justice.. yes.. im a criminal who can't afford bail.. so i get to go do harm to someone else... and this is somehow justice...
  12. yes, more willful obliviousness or obtusenes... take you pick
  13. you really dont get it do you im not a fan of the repbulican aoc, and i dont like trump but i can admit that even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile
  14. i guess you just can't see the double standard here. more than one school... was making those books available. i guess there were a lot of children in attendance in congress that day
  15. so you think it is someone else's problem.. i get it...
  16. this is you ITS TEXAS' Problem then you later NIMBY
  17. hypocrites
  18. why wait until it's in your neighborhood...by then it's too late
  19. im told that's where all the jobs are for you
  20. lol... it's not happening. well, it's happening..but it's good why wasn't this happening before...
  21. oops https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/07/19/snp-chopped-down-16m-trees-develop-wind-farms-scotland/
  22. oops https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/07/19/snp-chopped-down-16m-trees-develop-wind-farms-scotland/
  23. i was told by people on this board that the porn in schools scenario wasn't happening. then i posted examples... and was reprimanded.
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