no, it was a much better dual than i expected
i figured Iowa would win two matches, 125 and 149, forgot about woods and then thought well, he is from stanford. and he really didn't look that good against barlett, and i dont think bartlett is all that good
Iowa won all but one toss up match.. which made it exciting.. yeah you can get a little bored.. but its exciting in the moment b/c you dont know whats going to happen. If PSU had been dominating like i thought, i wouldn't have been excited about the later matches... i would have turned to Wis/NW or OU/ISU which i did a little anyway, but that me and the remote.
the sport is great, guys who aren't as good can still compete see star/brands.
who wants to see an ass kicking like brooks vs a backup? thats what's boring
and DT is saying we need all these extra points... why? high scoring doesn't mean more exciting... we already have sumo... its called the pushout... we can watch that in the offseason. just cause i push a guy out and get a point for MORE POINTs.. doesn't mean its more exciting