What other close calls did he have that season other than the first Ramos match? I actually don’t think he looked particularly vulnerable early in the year, but yeah I’m more just feeling similar vibes in terms of everyone seemed to assume him winning was a foregone conclusion when nothing is guaranteed.
As far as how it happens, I’m thinking he might be able to be “out-quicked” because of the extra weight he’s carrying this season. I’d also give Hendrickson a better chance of turning him than Kerk. Which if Hendrickson was the one to heat him it could potentially be the start of the legend of Taylor’s coaching career…
Yeah kinda. For one he took about 2 years off from competing so he may not be as sharp as he was when doing it nonstop for basically his whole life. He also was likely more motivated by money than anything to come back. And so far it hasn’t seemed to work out for guys like those that went to Iowa for one more run at least in terms of individual titles are concerned.