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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Yeah, the Daton Fix double boot stall ride is pretty much the ultimate ride according to that.
  2. Did Iowa have any 3x'ers from before freshmen could wrestle? I think Lee would have to go ahead of any 2x'ers
  3. I mean I’m pretty sure there will be people 30 years from now that will probably think Cael Sanderson wrestled for Penn State
  4. Sh1t, I think I made that mistake before too lol
  5. Wasn’t Gable considered their unquestioned goat previously? If that’s the case then Lee tops him with four titles. The only question would be if they had any undefeated three time champs from before freshman could wrestle which I don’t know. But if that was the case those guys should’ve had an argument over Gable too
  6. Iowa is a college, and if the discussion is GOAT college wrestler, Lee will be the GOAT if he wins the title this year.
  7. He did bump up a weight..
  8. Pyles claimed on FRL today that Fix is certified at 125.
  9. “Stays”?
  10. Is Cardani injured or did Renteria beat him out? See he hasn’t wrestled yet this season
  11. I don’t hate it. You’d have to have a maximum time though otherwise someone could be on their back for 5 minutes
  12. 23-3? No techs back then?
  13. Depending on Lee's health, I'd go Lee by decision. RBY would definitely employ the Rivera strategy of trying to run away in neutral
  14. Should've went to Penn State, not been overworked then had the Bo Nickal gym to train at!
  15. Got any “Burwikk” updates for us?
  16. I dunno, this doesn’t look very comparable to the wrestling version
  17. Did anything ever come from those tampering allegations from last year? (Or was it 2 years ago?)
  18. Is there a submission that can relate to arm bars?
  19. 1032004


    He beat one of last year’s finalists, seems ready to compete with the best right now. No guarantee what will happen 5 years from now.
  20. 1032004


    Well do you want to do what I said or do you want to match international weights lol? I think those are 2 slightly different things. So right now we have: 125/125.7 133/134.5 141/143.3 149/- 157/154.3 165/163.1 174/174.2 184/189.6 197/202.8 -/213.8 285/275.6 I kinda prefer my suggestion with more concentration around the middle weights
  21. Can’t remember the specifics anymore but it was the pretty typical minimizer stuff. The main thing I remember was he was one of the “I don’t know anyone that’s gotten it, so it must not be real” people. At one point probably into 2021 I think he had claimed that no one at his academy ever even got it.
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