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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. lol I don’t hate this. He still took him down easy and didn’t do anything extravagant after the match was over.
  2. Posted this in a different thread but clearly Clemsen has been thinking about seedings Worth noting that among the items listed on the voting sheets: -Miller is currently ranked as the 4th highest 157 in the B10 by both Flo and Intermat, both of which still have Kasak as #1 -Miller went 1-2 at NCAA’s last year in the same bracket where Kasak took 3rd -Miller placed 4th at B10’s last year in the same bracket where Kasak took 3rd (Kasak won by pinfall) I’m sure they won’t do it, but considering there is no official seeding criteria (as Clemsen says himself!), IMO there is valid reason for Kasak to still be the 1 seed at B10’s. Flo and intermat aren’t counting the injury default in their rankings, why do B10 coaches need to?
  3. I said to keep tournaments for backups and redshirts. It was 100% a duck by Clemsen. You think it’s just a coincidence he was replying to Willie talking about B10 seeding criteria? If Miller is the 1, he could have both Kasak and Teemer on the other side. If he loses to Blaze, he probably drops down to like the 5 seed. Making the finals at B10’s (which if I had to bet, he won’t anyway) vs getting 4th or 5th likely makes a decent difference in NCAA seeding. Plus no loss last night helps his winning % - I think that should go away as an NCAA seeding criteria
  4. A result from a tournament 3 months ago that was probably attended by like 100 people that weren’t family of the wrestlers is the reason Maryland sat an undefeated wrestler in a dual tonight between 2 top 30 teams. No one wants to watch wrestling outside of NCAA’s for 8 hours or whatever. Midlands and Scuffle are shells of what they were, and the Paycom duals will likely water down CKLV. And even within the tournaments we often see guys MFF out. Keep opens for redshirts and backups, but starters should do more duals instead. Maybe more dual tournaments if teams want guys getting used to several matches a day. Duals are how we get fans more interested. All teams should dual every team in their conference (and teams in small conferences can do more out of conference). We also should probably implement @Husker_Du‘s idea of making seeding for conference tournaments based on whoever the team sends out for that weight
  5. “Only” 3 of Ramos’s techs are against B10 opponents, with 2 of those being rated over #100 by wrestlestat and the other from Northwestern.
  6. Well there goes Minnesota’s chance most likely. Also was there an Iowa fan calling for stalling on Flynn when Cruz was on top and in rear standing? Lol
  7. Purdue wins 23-14 with Blaze getting a tech fall against the backup
  8. They said something about both he and Cannon wrestling in an open tournament?
  9. I guess I’ve only seen Sealey a few times but he seemed sucked down which was likely part of the issue. Maybe also nerves being his first match
  10. Interesting, thanks for sharing. Don’t want to hijack your thread, but lol if people think that team at the top isn’t paying guys good money
  11. Are these numbers annual revenue?
  12. I know you’re trolling but it matters for the dual. A team like Maryland may care about winning B10 duals. But I’m sure they care more about NCAA seeding. Wrestlestat has it 22-15 giving 157 to Blaze. If Miller wins and the rest goes chalk it comes down to bonus points.
  13. And even if there is a conflict of interest, that’s completely different than “taxpayers are paying for social deception!!” lol
  14. Bumped wrong thread by accident, but I bet Clemsen sits him, considering Clemsen is basically on record as admitting to ducking
  15. Whoops wrong thread lol. Having an off day today
  16. Edit: wrong thread
  17. If Miller wrestles and loses, does Kasak go back to #1? Then Miller probably drops all the way down to like 5?
  18. Shoot, I screwed it up. Title is will he sit but poll is will he wrestle. Sorry for the confusion
  19. Was discussed on Basch and Willie. He beat Blaze earlier in the year at a tournament. Should be a pretty close dual though. If he sits then further evidence that duals don’t matter
  20. No issue with her speaking out against biological men in women’s sports. But no, I don’t like grifters. No, that video was not funny and I’m not sure if even many anticovidvaxxers would find it funny. I’ve certainly seen plenty of videos I’ve found funny that I haven’t agreed with, but that wasn’t one of them. I was anti lockdown and closing schools after about the first 2 months, anti vax mandate, but pro vaccine in general as it was proven to very effective against reducing hospitalizations and deaths, even infections until Omicron. I don’t care if people take ivermectin but it has not shown effectiveness against covid (or cancer lol), so it should not be touted as a replacement for the vaccine which Gaines is doing (despite saying she chose to take ivermectin instead of the vaccine when she got Covid in 2020 before the vaccine existed, so she’s either lying or an idiot, maybe both). Besides, she’s a 20-something former D1 athlete, I was told Covid was just a cold for people like that, why would she even need anything?
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