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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Scuffle: Stanford, Minny, Ok State, Iowa State, ND State, Midlands: ASU, Nebraska, Princeton Salute: Iowa, Northern Iowa, SDSU I see a pretty good list of teams there (not all of course) with a variety of conferences. A few B10 could face each other here, but I guess I am not one to look out for the B10 vs Everyone Else.... Looks like a very good tourney to me. But of course, it would never happen...
  2. Overall decline I agree... you said "all" tournaments...slightly different but nothing into a squabble over.
  3. Not Vegas.... It produced again... maybe the West just knows how to do it better.
  4. Yes... it's this weekend... reviews on Flo. Can't we all just come together for a Midlands Scuffle Salute? That would make for a great tourney... until certain teams bowed out because "they need to get healthy."
  5. Soldier Salute looks like an Iowa wrestle off day in some weights. I guess if you are an Iowa fan then that's a great day for you to see that...meh. Midlands did fall apart.... still a couple matches to look forward to. TBH I'm wanting a Burwick Lamont match on teh backside.
  6. Unless all of those guys were flying out from a different location than the team, it stands to reason that if the rest of the team made it, they should have as well. As a side note, I thought I also saw Michael McGee in the bracket yesterday as well.
  7. Nevills
  8. First look at Courtney this season. Would love to see Burwick Lamont. Could happen on the consis side
  9. Agree...wrestling is a little different.... We did take down Florida last week... BUILD THE DAM!
  10. Very true... it definitely has to be the right fit, just as any program has to be the right fit for the right coach. Sometimes bringing a mid range or lower tiered team to prominence or at least respectability, can afford that coach a lot of freedom and control. Sometimes that's hard to leave for a place where the board, boosters, etc.maintain the control and make sure the coach knows who is running the show. I get that the coach has people they answer to, but the freedom and control factor can definitely vary from program to program. I'm not on the "in" with OkState so I don't know if this is a factor or not in their next hiring, whenever that will be. Others more in tune with the backstage workings of their program can probably discuss that aspect.
  11. I am sorry you didn't' figure out that "Oregon State's not a power 5...that's funny" was sarcastic (s). I am pretty sure 95% of the people who followed the conversation knew it was sarcasm (NOT s) - is that how you do that? Just trying to make it easy. Furthermore, if you did not know, I am an Oregon State fan and I am aware they are in the Pac 12 (s) - Is that the correct symbol for a "little" sarcasm?
  12. Not sure why you keep posting this unless you did t get the sarcasm of my post …”that’s funny’” ….. meaning the are a power 5 since they are in the pac 12. Reread my response with a sarcasm filter.
  13. Oregon State's not a Power 5 school....that's funny. But anyway....Did I say it was a better job or did I say it's not the best job for everyone in a previous post? Did I say it was a better job, or did I say "we shall see" which is also absolutely true since it's all hypothetical and John Smith is the head coach, and Pendleton is let's say, busy the next number of years. I will say this again, it was fun to finish ahead of OK State last year in Pendleton's second year... is that what you're worked up about?
  14. Ok Partners.... we shall see.... Regardless it was fun for him to finish above OK State in his second year as head coach at OSU.
  15. "Definitely a better job" for who? Everyone? I disagree,- there are a lot of people this would not be a "better" job for... but it doesn't really matter because Pendleton put an end to the speculation and will be busy with another program for awhile.
  16. Is there a mystery tag team partner they bring out in a cage with big sheet over it, not to be revealed until the actual firing happens? If so, I will buy the PPV.
  17. That's what Cowboys did back in the day.... nothing like a good tater.
  18. I make them mow my lawn before they can get it back. Consequences.
  19. The main difference is that we just need more guys who can crush an apple with their bare hand.
  20. Lamont was a graduate... he was a "free agent". Especially if there is tampering with a kid before they enter the portal.......
  21. Maybe an fluorescent green and yellow look?
  22. I saw in an interview with Carl that he said something similar... "We haven't been all in all season, but sometime in January, when we are made whole again by Levi Haines, we WILL be all in...then look out." It was something like that.
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