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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. It should go down but it won't. In fact, it will go up because the gutless cowards refuse to touch the largest and fastest growing parts of the federal budget.
  2. This entire DOGE movement is a complete joke. Federal civilian workers and salaries are 4.3% of the federal budget. I can't believe how dumb people are. They'll lay off a few workers and all the morons will say "great job." Meanwhile, the overall budget will go up because these gutless cowards refuse to touch social security, Medicare or military. Or probably even federal contractors.
  3. Our military is still WAY too big and costly, like a fat bloated pig of waste and corruption. Needs to be literally gutted.
  4. I think it's funny how we have this DOGE movement but the two biggest and fastest growing govt programs, social security and Medicare, are "off limits." Gutless cowards.
  5. Agreed 100%. Let the NCAA deal with this. This is way too trivial for Congress or a President to get involved with, especially given the very small # of transgenders playing women's sports. People that are actually concerned about this (unless they, for example, have a daughter competing against a transgender) are very spoiled (1st world problems). I actually agree that if somebody is born a man or ever took male hormones, they shouldn't be allowed to play women's sports. However, with our issues re: inflation, the national debt, foreign wars, and a new President that wants to make radical and widespread changes, I"m astonished that people are making this a priority issue.
  6. Who cares? What's your point?
  7. I highly doubt it. He's on track to start next year in football. Wrestling would be a great way to blow that opportunity since he's already undersized.
  8. Where are you folks when a black player gets concussion from a white player? Crickets.
  9. Not one of the reasons Democrats lost. They missed on much bigger issues.
  10. I enjoy wrestling but won't tell anybody that it's actually important.
  11. Don't care much. I'll leave that to the NCAA. My political representatives should focus on more important things.
  12. Omg I can't think of a less important topic than transgenders in men's sports. 1) There are very few of them and 2) it's just sports. An obvious deflection by wingers from more important issues facing our great nation.
  13. Wrong? Yes. Trumps actions have dragged both parties down to the dirtiest common denominator. Democrats need to get tactical, dirty and cutthroat if they truly want to beat the Republicans. Fight fire with fire. They're maybe finally realizing that.
  14. Proof that the right has gone off the deep end to the right (at least fiscally) is that I would have been considered a Republican back in the 1980s, under Reagan. Crazy.
  15. Who cares? The athletic director at Wisconsin certainly doesn't, so why should we?
  16. https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dshort/updates/2024/11/01/two-measures-of-inflation-september-2024#:~:text=The Fed is on record,longer-run goal for inflation. The Fed is on record as using core PCE data as its primary inflation gauge.
  17. The fed does look at this, in addition to most economists. They look at everything, but everybody knows that the core PCE is more reliable. That's why people use it in the first place.
  18. Excluding food & energy it is about 2.7%. Food & energy are best excluded because they fluctuate monthly and significantly independent of overall money printing/inflation.
  19. She has little if any control over the tax & spend policies of Congress & President. WTH are you talking about??
  20. Probably not. Nowhere close to the 2% inflation target after 4 years of this b.s. I'd call it a 100% failure. A minor recession isn't a big deal. Better than what we still have now.
  21. B.S. Maybe so if you watch news on TV, but plenty of more neutral sources online. Reuters is one example of many.
  22. The bottom line is that most economists got this wrong. I don't understand why because it seemed so obvious with the drastic growth in money supply after COVID. However, she is the norm rather than the exception, somehow.
  23. When wingers fail (as they ALWAYS do, 100% of the time) at their attempt to show that global warming is "natural," they then resort to arguing about how are policies re: global warming are bad. LMAO.
  24. Lots of people were wrong about inflation, including the entire federal reserve. I was one of the only ones that were right, and I'm telling you again that inflation is going to jump big time under Geriatric Donny.
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