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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. I've said SEVERAL times that Biden has continued the deficit spending. Not as high as fat donny, but still way too high.
  2. Like I said, Trump got the ball rolling with high inflation. It was 100% inevitable by Jan 6 due to the massive borrowing and hence money supply growth. Biden definitely continued it w his own massive covid spending. Anybody that wants to isolate this to one party is delusional with a limited understanding of how economics works.
  3. Very obvious he thought it was going into OT. Unlikely alternative is that he just gave up.
  4. I am complaining now. Even though I'm liberal. I'm not a hypocrite.
  5. Huh? Over Mirasola, who already qualified for olympic trials? Whatever.
  6. Yup. Deficit will go even higher but you'll hypocritically stop complaining about it.
  7. That makes sense since money supply growth was higher at beginning of Bidens reign.
  8. Yup I saw that too. But you and the other wingers will stop complaining if Fat Donny wins in November. Trust me, he won't cut spending OR increase taxes.
  9. The uber rich don't work much anyway though. They had to work very hard and or be very smart on the way up but once they're really raking it in their mostly just profiting off of others.
  10. Theatrics. They have nothing better to do? Pathetic and again demonstrates their dysfunction.
  11. You don't think it matters that congress is dominated by wingers?
  12. O'toole got beat out at 165 and 174. He has to bump up to184 or settle for 2nd string.
  13. As a result of Fat Donnys money printing press.
  14. I think Barnett was AWA but not Buchanen. Buchanen was up in the north woods.
  15. His dad was actually Askrens HS coach. Will probably lose to Carr, but a great season either way.
  16. As I said earlier, look at the month-to-month data from the end of Fat Donny's tenure. Inflation was extremely high on Jan 6 transfer to Biden and ramped up to around 9% by March 2021, before Biden had a chance to really do anything. Inflation doesn't happen right away when you print a bunch of money. It takes several months before you really start to notice the effects. Money supply rose most rapidly during Fat Donny's reign: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL
  17. Markets blasting through to new territory. Soaring like an eagle, the symbol of our great nation.
  18. He'll find a way to raise the cash. There are plenty of idiots in this country that will give him $.
  19. A LOT more. the exact amounts? There are millions of possibilities that I'd be OK with.
  20. Yes; the middle class needs to step up some too, but the rich need to step up more. It's pretty simple. The poor people just don't have the money to pay since most of them are barely scraping by anyway. The rich have gotten rich off of them so it's only fair to cut them a break. Also, the poor people get hurt the most when you cut spending so need to hit them on both ends.
  21. The rich are richer than ever and their taxes are lower than ever. Yes; let's work on this deficit and part of that should be making the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share. Even Warren Buffett (and many other uber-wealthy) admitted that it's ridiculous and that he has a lower tax rate than a lot of middle class folks.
  22. It would reduce it from what it would otherwise be, because the feds wouldn't be borrowing as much money. Deficit during COVID (that has partially continued) resulted in significant increase in money supply.
  23. There's a balancing act between economic health & environmental health, since that also impacts our long-term economic health. But again, that's a different question and the end-result really depends upon priorities. A thousand people can have a thousand different opinions on how much we should really do, if anything. I prefer to stay focused on the science though, which should inform the policy. There is no doubt whatsoever that human burning of fossil fuels is the primary driver of recent climate change.
  24. No significant amount of money, if any, was "sucked out." COVID and COVID-related policies caused a slowdown in the exchange of money (but not the overall money supply) and that's why the stimulus was injected. It was an over-reaction though.
  25. It's very basic economics Jimmy. Inflation results when you increase the money supply that is in the hands of consumers significantly more than the production of goods (if that increases at all). Deficit spending results in more money to consumers without having to pay for it. If we cut spending and increased taxes, that would take money out of consumers hands and slow down the economy. https://www.crfb.org/papers/risks-and-threats-deficits-and-debt
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