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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. Hendrickson has been confirmed as being in WCAP and will return to active duty upon completion of the 2028 olympic quad. He will remain in Stillwater until that time.
  2. To be fair though this could be said about a lot more than just one current or former Cornell wrestler
  3. Aaron BALCO Brooks has gotta be on The Cream and The Clear. Dude's noggin is bigger than Barry Bonds! But in all seriousness, yes there are more individuals than you would think. It has always been this way in all sports at the D1 level. Many have shifted to SARMs and away from anabolics because cancer in 20 years is out of sight, out of mind vs bacne.
  4. Great auto-response. Superior user experience. Fantastic when the ads were able to secure leg and cover for three. Grow up.
  5. @jajensen09 all good unlike the Nebraska performance this weekend which was nothing short of GREAT
  6. Jesus H Christ @BobDole @Husker_Du you have videos that go full screen immediately on mobile as well as fractional decimating ads AKA you can't touch a link until the native browser pop-ups pay you their toll. How much money do you want to make them go away. I'll pay it for everyone else because this experience is miserable on mobile. Attached are two very shiity unavoidable video popups on your forum. Again, if you're poor I'll pay to make everything better for everyone else. I enjoy and would be willing to support, but you need to return the favor.
  7. Henderson did beat Stevenson so can't argue with your logic
  8. Nebby showed out. Always thought Lovett should have had multiple champs. Enjoy the pipeline and the greatest senior wrestler of all time (because he earned it when you can't lose to win a tournament). Tip of the cap on an amazing weekend.
  9. He previously said he rapidly jumped all the way up to over 300 pounds. He dominated this college season, right up until Gable Dan got Dan Gable'd. His spare tire is noticeable, and he was the MOW favorite this weekend right up until he was upset. It's the million dollar questions all season: is he taking it serious, and is he getting in shape or is he just coasting? I am a huge Hendrickson supporter as has been noted many times, and also a Steveson Eye Test guy. I was wrong when I thought Steveson would cruise. So very, very wrong. The Taylor effect is real when Hendrickson had already nearly teched Parris and is taking leaps. So the question is what happens next? US Open is just around the corner, WTT after, and Final X this summer. Does Gable get serious and regain his place domestically as a first step? Is Hendrickson gapping him? Where does Parris fall into all of this? Is Kerk going to recover from yet another tear to disrupt the brackets during this quad? Even I thought these questions foolish considering Steveson's senior run on minimal training, but now it's real. Shiit has officially hit the fan.
  10. yes! That was so awkward Cardenas was like we shook hands now get the f away from me
  11. Molinaro Syndrome
  12. Starocci/Keck for the hardcore fans and Steveson/Hendrickson for the casuals is actually a really good call
  13. lol Trimble tried to bar arm tilt Schultz and Schultz just laid on him for the reversal wtf was that boneheaded big balls move
  14. Carl gave these guys violent Florida meth for the morning session. Mesenbrink is going to break Caliendo tonight real bad methinks
  15. Spratley Byrd Mendez Lovett in either the best or most boring of the night Taylor Mesenbrink KOT Starocci Buchanon in a shootout Steveson. I hope he decides to put on a show and earn OW
  16. A reminder to all of what happened the last time Steveson met Hendrickson. This was a few months prior to Hendrickson winning U23 worlds
  17. Farva takes out one-legged Kerk and his prize he gets chonky Gable
  18. Used to?! Did you not watch the bronze medal match this year when he was literally screaming at the judges telling them they were wrong.
  19. Who needs a cold spray break when challenges do the trick
  20. The only time the entire stadium has ever united as Hawkeye fans is happening right now
  21. I haven't cheered against a Ferrari like this since this rooting against Ferrari this morning
  22. Illinois was top ten in the team race with 5 guys wrestling tonight. So far only Byrd has a victory with three blood round losses. Hopefully Luffman can salvage something and finally break through with an AA.
  23. Burroughs is not a fan of having to say nice things about Mesenbrink
  24. booooooooooo
  25. Yes.
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