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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Do football coaches ever play golf?
  2. Even if it goes into a data table or spreadsheet?
  3. Jimmy?
  4. Pretty sure Canadians do not have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear water pistols. Water balloons are safer as most of the evidence dissappears.
  5. ... depends on which street.
  6. There is one very good reason to vote for Trump: so he can't run in 2028 or 2032. Think about it. That said I'm working on a deal to buy a lettuce farm its gonna be HUUGE the next 4 years.
  7. Maybe Wkn knows, heard he may or may not have loaned the money.
  8. That's not hot that's scorching!
  9. Sure you can.
  10. But is TS more obsessed?
  11. How does anyone know this? Once he rolled the window up, refused to roll it down then only rolled down ~20% we don't know what the officer couldn't see and we have no idea what kind of similar safety issues he may have dealt with in the past.
  12. Anyone else surprised we aren't getting Bo pop ups?
  13. Maybe we could get good odds from Jimmy or Wkn?
  14. I see your point but isn't there some possibility that the earth stops spinning ... climate change and all?
  15. To quote another infamous poster from yesterday: @Wrestleknownothing "I never say always. But I always avoid never"
  16. How can that be? Isn't it impossible to be impossible?
  17. Wait ... you are getting Honda pop ups? I always thought of you as more of a BMW guy.
  18. I agree. And he's had issues in the past so maybe explains a bit of the attitude.
  19. And a lot of times, especially if 25 over is same as 50 over, they may ticket the lower number that they know can be documented and hold up in court.
  20. When do the kids who couldn't compete because their chosen academic school didn't have their sport and start suing for the NIL they deserved. There's a whole new generation of pickleball players heading to college in about 10 years. What is the NCAA gonna do about it cause it might just be the biggest sport in the USA if not the world by then?
  21. Thought the same and AJ claims to be God fearing as well.
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