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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Mine is getting worse, more and more of this rap around border pop up, no screen function when its there. I always have two ads in bottom right and when get a forum notice of new reply a pop up overlays it so can't hit view. This is on both phone and tablet. Away from home now but when return going to check our ad blockers options.
  2. I'm with you on that. If they are going to do something how about draft and pass a term limits bill, otherwise do nothing is fine.
  3. I had this great idea today, stay with here is my plan ... oh wait ...
  4. Similar/same thing, steal our IP allows you to produce say 30% under cost cause no $s spent on R&D.
  5. No but Mitch Messenbrink is.
  6. but sum times them their is what use talk'n bout
  7. Well if we assume (and it may be true) that China was dumping products at 30% under world market price (under our cost) then a 30% tariff might make it fair trade thus allowing US producers to compete and therfore not costing tax payers.
  8. ... we are now acutely aware.
  9. It won't happen at that level but if I understand the proposed move the tariffs would only be in skid loaders and such moved to Mexico not Ag or lawn products.
  10. We need a poll. Yes The username alone should be enough but combined with the post ...
  11. Who's isn't?
  12. You can bet on it!
  13. This is disinformation, lock him up!
  14. But if a wrestler has a "go to" move it'll be scouted and thus ...
  15. portajohn parody
  16. Is AI energy demand part of the Green Deal?
  17. Is that a question?
  18. Not what I was expecting when saw portajohn parity. Yes I did open thread even though expecting something disgusting.
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