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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Surber is one of those style matchup cases. He gets the right style matchup path he can AA. If he gets two guys in his path the wrong style, don't want to shoot or scramble, he can fail to AA.
  2. Will the good environmentalists of California allow folks to rebuild on the beachfront side of highway 1? Let's wait and see.
  3. Is it not true that he is heading to Iowa to take over for Buchanan at only 60% of his annual rate?
  4. Ok ... but does he know how to pronounce coach MikE PoEEEta's name? I-N-I
  5. I'm just glad they put this one on the full BTN and didn't relegate it to the streaming B1g+ cause for such an important dual it'll be so much easier for folks to find it and switch over from that meaningless football game.
  6. Has Chris Perry booked any flights lately?
  7. So believe Biden just said the reason for no water was because they shut off electric due to fire and had no backup power for pumping water. So is this because CA banned diesel, is it what RV suggested of left-wingers ignoring the important stuff, is it lack of common sense or all of the above?
  8. ... me thinks you said too much ...
  9. Just noticed, why did Ohio St schedule a football game for Friday 5:30pm MT 30 minutes before the big dual. Could it be they are trying divert/distract their fans and save them from the disappointment? Why isn't MP petitioning the powers that be to delay the kickoff till 8pm MT? What about that US Steel thing ...
  10. No way! Hamiti would even win in a duel much less a dual.
  11. Wyatt Hendrickson would like a word!
  12. This gonna make me pause and think the next time MP says: get on it bro.
  13. I don't know about spelling but the Focus does know sign language.
  14. No but not wrestling should.
  15. Their backup HWT looked pretty decent at Vegas.
  16. Sumpn' missing in that picture.
  17. Mountain Time!!
  18. ... don't be silly ... its at 6pm MT ... I already set my alarm ...
  19. Did they move it? I'm wrong? I've never been wrong before. But note it ain't at 8! Don't listen to MP ...
  20. No way this happens!! If this happens I'll eat my color copy of the Sunday Morning Comics.
  21. No and don't listen to MP, if you show up at 8pm you will miss half a great dual. If you show up at Huff you'll miss all of a great dual.
  22. Here's my copy and paste from the club forum. This is the best case scenario for the buck_iis. Uusing WS rank #s and WS is just wrong on this one. 125: Riley169 vs McCrone10 I'm still disappointed Renteria left, I really liked that kid, thought he was going places and he has, saw him at Corvallis late last year he is looking great, just beat the McCrone. Riley is the guy but the nuts will put up 4 or 5 here, lets say 5. 0 - 5 OhS 133: Byrd4 vs Bouzakis3 The chirp byrd versus a bouzakis, whatever that is, 3pt Illini 3 - 5 OhS 141: Pucino15 vs Mendez1 Ok gotta call this one for the bucks, 3 pts 3 - 8 OhS 149: Webster7 vs D'Emilio12 By definition this has decision written all over it, 3 IL 6 - 8 OhS 157: Kraisser44 vs Gallagher21 Kraissier things have happed but can Jason put Paddy to his back, tough call here, but ok for now lets say 3 OhS 6 - 11 OhS 165: Scoles 17 vs Sasso6 Ok I like Sammy, its great he made it back, I saw him up close and personal in Vegas and this is not the same Sammy, sorry but 3 pt Illinois 9 - 11 OhS 174: D-Braunagel27 vs Kharchia6 The little Brawny gave KOT all he wanted but I'm guessing Jason is ready for it, 3 pt bucknuts 9 - 14 OhS 184: Ruth15 vs Rogotzke16 Are you kidding ... The Destroyer of Worlds versus a ryder, this match'll be decided on their feet, 3 pt Illinois 12 - 14 OhS 197: Z-Braunagel14 vs Shumate25 The Big Brawny all day and twice on Friday, 3 pt Illini 15 - 14 IL 285: Luffman13 vs Feldman4 The dual is on the line, which kind of man is gonna show up. If my good buddy Wkn were making the call he might say Luke with the pinfeld. But me ... I think the big LL is gonna poke Nick in the ribs early, just to make sure he's good to go, and then win a hard fought decision and a dual win for the Illini. Sorry MP and buckEs, 3 pt Illinois. 18 - 14 IL
  23. Good point! If MP or IWB don't start it, I'll get to it later after 8am meeting.
  24. Hamiti is quick enough for this. Double ankle picks, I can see it. 🌪
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