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Everything posted by TexRef

  1. He is willing to provide some unsolicited advice too.
  2. Thanks for asking! I too haven't been able to check this stuff out as much as I would like.
  3. Realtor???
  4. There are new parents to this sport all the time. The parents that have not been exposed to the sport until their 8 yr joins a club. Those parents will keep buying the crazy shit that is being offered. Like the "Head butting headgear" with the hard plastic piece on the forehead.
  5. Is it on Amazon?! I am looking for my Amazon pw! Yes, not being able to find it pisses me off! So does buying shit on Amazon!
  6. I think there is a decent bbq place in Longview. How was the program at LeTorneau?
  7. At this time, there are currently no D1 wrestling programs (for men or women) in Texas. There is only 1 D2 women's program in Texas.
  8. Only if we can get Pritts! Lol
  9. Yes, it can be done at small towns that are in traditional wrestling states. Texas unfortunately is not one of those states. I bet there are HS teams in Brookings and Ithaca. There is not a single HS program in Stephenville. They might be an hour away from the nearest HS program.
  10. The town of Stephenville has a population of about 20,000 and it is considered to be in the heart of Tornado Alley. It is over an hour to get to Fort Worth and almost 2 hours to Dallas. There is no HS wrestling in the area. Most of the wrestling in Texas is in the metropolitan areas. I think it will be hard to pull a kid from Houston, Dallas, or El Paso to Stephenville. I hope I am wrong.
  11. Yes, the University of Texas had wrestling. It was many many moons ago. UT even beat Oklahoma A & M in a dual, two years in a row! I want to say that was back in the 1920's.
  12. In that scenario you see most guys go the NAIA route. NAIA stands for... No Athletic Investigation Allowed
  13. https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/athens/ohio-university-wrestling-coaches-on-leave-as-police-investigate-assaults/
  14. It has been a while since the issue in Athens, Ohio with Ohio University. Has there been any movement? Will they release Joe? If so, who would want/apply for that job? How are the facilities?
  15. We had that mat when I was in JH.
  16. Back when the red & green lines were included in the 10' foot circle and out of bounds was square, not circular?
  17. In 1929 wasn't it still Oklahoma A&M?
  18. When they're nose to nose his toes are in it. When they're toes to toes his nose is in it.
  19. For those sitting in the back, please expand on who those coaches are. Thanks in advance!
  20. I think Cael learned his lesson on "fringe kids" with Andrew Long.
  21. I heard that they have a shirt design already in the works...Cal Poly Humboldt Lumberjacks, we bring the wood. The bookstore should be getting a shipment in soon!
  22. Bracken has a Malvern pipeline going on at his place.
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