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Jason Bryant

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Everything posted by Jason Bryant

  1. Have you ever executed this technique in your life?
  2. I fail to see an issue with the steak.
  3. Or it says Greco teams are harder to make since there's fewer unique athletes making teams.
  4. This one's far from scientific and is based solely on events I've announced since 2015. I have a pronunciation spreadsheet that has 3,019 unique names in it. There could be a small degree of duplication due to some names being with a middle name or a common misspelling like when translated (like Ukraine, Belarus), so I was curious how long my list was by style. On the men's side, I have 1,188 names registered to MFS. I have 1,015 registered to GR. So I've got more unique MFS names than I do GR names. Could mean there's less volatility in the entries on the Greco side, but if anything, it's just another number that I've got in my records.
  5. We don't have that information, which is why we can't look at it.
  6. Let’s find something more concrete then … I cite it because it’s the only thing I can find and I’ve been at the Worlds every year since ‘07. I first noticed it in 2009 when the Greco brackets were just so much bigger causing those days to just go on forever. Like another poster said above though, I’m not going to spend the time on it to prove a forum argument true or false - I do that too much as it is. Problem is our general ignorance on how other countries actually operate their wrestling associations really prevent us from being able to speak on it informatively or with numbers that can validate a position. I’d love for us to have stats on everything …
  7. it’s the only verifiable thing we have at the moment. If someone wants to put in the work to find something more viable, I’m all ears. Worlds is essentially open with the only qualifier is you must compete at your continental championship.
  8. It’s the best we have that isn’t solely U.S. centric data. By comparison, Every single “Fargo” has had more MFS entries than GR, so here, it’s clear among the two styles, FS is more popular. I don’t have any explanation as to why GR has more entries at worlds than MFS traditionally…
  9. Let's make this an apples-to-apples comparison in its simplest form. Among women, freestyle is the most popular style worldwide. Among men, Greco is the most popular style worldwide.
  10. Most years, GR has more entries at Worlds than MFS …
  11. The great forum poster from the early 2000s Skandar Akbar once held an iconic TheMat.com posters party, but accidentally posted the wrong address. People allegedly showed up at a house of ill repute … notably missing was the Mayor of Cleveland.
  12. Seems to have a weird similarity here: Allow me to go hypothetically conspiratorial for a moment - wrestling was axed in part to keep the NCAA from investigating the department. Is swimming in the same situation? They get shut down to keep more eyes and hands prying into Notre Dame’s entire athletics program? I’m not alleging anything … but … what if?
  13. He’s part of the three person “Jury of Appeal” aka review committee at the World and Olympic championships. Of those at that level, his English is the best.
  14. If they win medals in 5/6 weights, it’s percentage wise one is their top years. Jeez people.
  15. Morgan State did not last season and they would have needed individuals to qualify via the at-large process.
  16. Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.
  17. Just let me enjoy my childhood franchise (and its tangentially connected mouse spinoffs) in peace!
  18. I’ve said this over and over, and I’ll say it again. You kill funding for 90-95% of countries with wrestling if it’s no longer an Olympic sport. Olympic committees and the governments that fund them don’t spend resources on non-olympic sports (there’s a handful of outliers). Your suggestion is sport suicide. Hard pass.
  19. One-off entries/events are what they are. Metzger was much more active in 2012 in the run-up to the 2012 Trials than he was his one day wrestling at the Open in 2014.
  20. DJT's name was on the bracket at the 1962 National Prep championships for NY Military Academy and the weight was won by future HOF Distinguished Member Bill Harlow. That bracket was displayed at the New York Athletic Club for a period of time. He's not everyone's cup of tea by any stretch, but we've embraced people as wrestlers for far less.
  21. Seppuku with a hat is a new one. Real Ultimate Power used a frisbee.
  22. Lindenwood dropping killed any chance of the Ohio Valley Conference picking up the sport and taking the stragglers as affiliates.
  23. Last two were books often cited in wrestling - Ben Askren's book Funky was pretty interesting to get a deeper backstory into a guy I know fairly decently - and then Chop Wood, Carry Water, which is one that seems to get referenced a lot. I go back to wrestling this coming time with Mat Return, a book sent to me by a fan via instagram. There's a lot of the wrestlers writing books thing I need to revisit, if nothing else, to broaden my knowledge on specific subjects.
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