George W. Bush is involved with a vast conspiracy of Uniform commercial code "UCC" followers. They're using JLR's copyrighted allcaps name without his consent. The Federal Reserve is a fraud as Federal Reserve notes are backed by nothing of substance. George Bush, Queen of England, Chubby Checker, Dalai Lama, Hillary Clinton, Bloods and Crips of Detroit, trench coat Mafia, Sen. Arlen Spector, Gambino crime family, Sen Trent Lott, and other parties he refuses to name for fear of his safety, through subliminal messaging, RFID tracking devices, radio active chemicals released into the air by United Airline pilots, George Bush was involved with the construction of FCI Williamsburg. However, Bush failed to build an anti UFO defense system around the compound, released staph infection in the prison water system, and sold inmates' personal bonds on the international stock market without their consent. JLR says he is personally subjected to microwave testing on a daily basis. He also says that Bush is committing treason by selling our DNA to the "Hitler Socialist Party". He then goes on to allege that Bush is a "voodoo witch doctor" involved with transforming humans to animals, sometimes plants. Also, FCI Williamsburg has robotic guards made from Bush's NASA partners. He then alleges that the 14th Amendment was not ratified properly. He goes on to say that Bush is a time-traveler who conspired with the Duke of Normandy for the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD. Apparently, George H.W. Bush "is his front father contracted with secret wiccans to pervert American citizens minds via WWW world wide web".