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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. https://www.eater.com/2015/3/10/8155543/pizzeria-bianco-best-pizza-america Consistently rated as one of the best pizzerias in the country.
  2. Too bad they can't move somebody up to resolve the logjam at 133/141. One of those 3 is going to sit.
  3. That is a very stout lineup.
  4. Miami of Ohio.
  5. I'm blocked from reading that guy's tweets. Also yes but it's more of a play on the accent than anything.
  6. I thought he was tall.
  7. Wasn't Baumgartner the head coach at Edinboro for a while?
  8. If they did add wrestling again it would just be one more thing Harvard beats them in.
  9. I like it. Very reasonable and well thought out. My only beef is I wish Yale and Dartmouth would add wrestling. Well maybe not Yale.
  10. For years now I’ve played the lottery. And in doing so, I’ve wasted so much time and money. Not only that, but I end up losing more than I win. Heck, I’ve never won! Well, okay, fine. That’s a lie. I did buy of those cheap $1 tickets before, and guess what I won?! Another ticket! Isn’t that just the bee’s knees! But that’s not even the worst of it! One day, they had a special lottery offer. The prize was millions! I went out and bought as many tickets as I could afford. Which was quite a few, mind you. Apparently, I’m not the only one who likes to gamble though. There were tons of people waiting in line after me. And oh boy! When they found out that I had bought the last ticket, things start getting interesting. People yelled, screamed, argued. Most surprising of all though, people started whipping out their money to buy the tickets from ME. At first, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t dare give up even a single ticket. What if one of them was the winner? If I gave up even one of them up, would I give up my chances of winning? But, as quickly as I thought those things, I asked myself, “What are my chance of winning really?” Like, honestly… I’ve never won a thing in my life. Except for that other ticket of course. But here, right now, I could sell the tickets I had already bought and make a tidy little profit. So, I sold them for a little more than I paid, and by the end of the day I had made about double of what I had spent. Plus, I still had two tickets with me! And being in good spirits, I went home and gave one of the tickets to my newly 18-year-old brother, absolutely free. And what happened then you ask? Well, the next thing I know, the numbers were announced and, like always, I didn’t win. But someone I know did! And that someone was my brother. The brother to whom I gave the ticket to! The brother who had never even played the lottery before that day! The brother who didn’t share a single cent with me!! Didn’t even say thank you!!! The brother who then moved out and we never heard from him again! What luck!
  11. That's a name I haven't heard for a while. He wrestled in AZ at Red Mountain HS. I might be wrong but I think he lost in the state finals one year. I think it may have been in overtime or right at the end of the 3rd. From what I remember it was a close call at the edge against a guy from I think Carl Hayden.
  12. “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”
  13. Listen buddy, I’m gonna stop you right there. You don’t understand how many times I’ve heard this kind of thing already. I’m honestly sick of monologues. You’re just gonna waste my time explaining your master plan and patting yourself on the back even though we both already know how this is gonna go. I’m gonna send you packing like I do to everyone else, and you’ll end up nothing more than a two-bit, D-list villain with an inferiority complex. If this was a comic book, they’d put you in a filler issue, give you a mediocre backstory, and never talk about you again. All you’re gonna be is a piece of trivia for superhero nerds with nothing better to spend their time on. But me? I’m the Golden Boy! I literally get paid to beat up people like you. So I have an idea, instead of giving me a novel, how about you just sum it up in a few words and let me enjoy the rest of my Sunday? What’s it gonna be? Kidnapping the Mayor? Bridge bombing? Mass mind control? I’ve seen it all buddy. You’re nothing special. That’s what you gotta get through your thick skull. You’ll never be an archenemy or on the starting roster of an evil team. You’ll never take over the world or have any henchmen. You’ll never do anything with your sad little life and that’s that. Oh, did I make you cry? Sorry man, but the truth hurts. You know what they say; if you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Now let’s get this over with.
  14. GCU dropped wrestling because they went D1 and the money they used for wrestling went for basketball. Since some of the major donors to GCU are from the basketball world, like former Suns owner Jerry Colangelo, GCU did what they wanted. Going D1 for that school was an awful idea. Outside of basketball none of their sports are competitive. They finished top 3 at the D2 tournament twice.
  15. It was apparently right across from the Stockton PD. In the words of Charlie Murphy, "Hey man, we just gave him some help. We busted his motha f***in' legs. I bet he won't come back and disrespect again."
  16. "I can't feel my legs Charlie Murphy!"
  17. D2 school in Virginia is closing due to financial issues and losing their accreditation to award degrees.
  18. Could hold it in the Pitcairn Islands.
  19. Everyone knows what Santa does on that one special day of the year. But have you ever wondered what his life is like the other 364 days? Well, let me enlighten you. Santa’s got a bit of a weight issue. I mean, the guy spends his entire night squeezing down chimneys, carrying a giant sack of presents. I bet his exercise routine is like, “Do 50 squats, eat 50 cookies, repeat.” And let’s talk about his fashion sense. Red and white? Really? It’s like he’s the ultimate brand ambassador for Coca-Cola. But let’s not forget the list of naughty and nice kids. I can just picture Santa sitting there, scratching his head, trying to remember if little Tommy was the one who stuck gum in his sister’s hair or if it was Jimmy. And what happens if he mixes up the lists? Imagine waking up to a lump of coal because Santa had a temporary lapse in memory. Awkward! And what about those flying reindeer? It’s like Santa found the world’s most talented animals and said, “You know what? Let’s form a supergroup.” And Rudolph, the star of the show, gets all the attention with his shiny nose. I bet the other reindeer are jealous and plotting some sort of reindeer revenge. So, next time you’re sitting by the fireplace, eagerly waiting for Santa’s arrival, take a moment to appreciate his bizarre life. After all, behind that big, jolly belly and white beard, there’s a man who’s got the world’s most ridiculous job. And if he can bring joy to millions while managing an army of flying reindeer, well, he deserves a round of applause and maybe a cookie or two.
  20. What's wrong with Hawaii?
  21. My vote would be Hawaii. Why not?
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