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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Thanks from all that didn’t see the dual!!
  2. If you were a head coach and the team is approaching post season, and you have a dual where half the other team is sick … so sick many have to sit, do you consider cancelling the dual so as to avoid giving it to your own team right before and into post season?
  3. Gray gets teched 0-10. After becoming a mom, she has lost a step or two. Who can blame her. Becoming a mom is a huge deal mentally and physically.
  4. Taylor was simply destroying people - all the time. He seemed like the unstoppable force. Had this huge aura about him. Neither KOT nor Star have that. Dake was a riddle. Often won by a little. But was doing the 4 weight class thing with no redshirt. Still - didn’t have the hype that DT had. Then two super close matches leading up to NCAAs where it seemed so many had predicted DT wins but Dake had found a way each time. Then Taylor destroys to the finals — seemed to be on A game, Dake not so much. All came together for a some real excitement.
  5. Watching Mesenbrink with a freaking awesome TD off a Caliendo front headlock. Very cool. Shapiro seems to know what to do almost always. Clever TDs and escapes. Who would you put up on a pedestal for having a good toolbox of slick techniques? The kind that make people say … what the heck was that?!
  6. Someone relay to the announcer that when in danger the match doesn’t stop in SV, wrestler gets a chance to pin the opponent.
  7. I feel for home teams in this situation. Sucks big time. Hoping they can rally for second half.
  8. No. Flo stream is fine. Wow, I lost count of Mauller’s shots and TD attempts in that final minute when he was down 2-4. (Sarcasm. Seemed ok with 2-4 loss. After the Shapiro beating am wondering what’s up with him)
  9. Ahhh, that is the Fix I’m used to. wins 2-1, an escape and awarded a stalling point
  10. I bet that design was in part to highlight some heritage.
  11. Turns out it was enough for him to spend a few hours at the hospital. Very much hoping that Nick can qualify the US. And hoping Yianni can fully recover soon enough to feel in great form by the trials. I liked seeing his early offense and some adjustments he has clearly made to come up quick on shots vs getting cheap tilted.
  12. Yea, when I saw nhs67’s post I was confused. Clearly saw the concussion protocol tests being done. Thought it was something other than a head bang issue? Like what, a hurt wrist?
  13. Bad - the situation. Head injuries are no good. But good that they know not to push it.
  14. Head issue with Yianni. Losing big. Banged head on a return early. Looks like crap now. 3-12
  15. Foca with a tilt. And TDs. Tries for tech. 14-1 win. Good win. Looked good.
  16. Seems like mental mindset for some is to not hold people accountable for their actions. Deflect and blame the people who caught them for doing something wrong. I dearly hope this mindset doesn’t expand to others.
  17. Paris 2028 (per thread title)??? Tickets will be no problem.
  18. Agreed. And recently it seems that Lehigh has been winning this thing. Annoying. Wish Vito was there but I’m doubting it.
  19. From usawrestling twitter McKenna gets it done, 10-0! He scored quickly with a single leg finish going out-of-bounds. Followed right up with a double leg transition to leg lace (x3) to end it.
  20. Thank you @ILLINIWrestlingBlog!! Doing a great service!!
  21. Is Brady the worst stall guy on bottom ever? Just lies on belly.
  22. Agreed. Nearly 2 minutes with no turn. Stalemate was right.
  23. Crazy scramble for first TD. Andonian ending up with boots, nuts! Fun. Shapiro looked like he was the hunter even with Andonian on top with boots. Was working to flip Andonian to his back. Pretty wild. Did it 2x.
  24. So you are stating that you really believe that his point was that a physical road can be racist. You had no inkling that the point was that there is extensive research showing that the policies and decisions around the placement and design of some roadways and infrastructure had racist influences. No idea at all. Ok, you are actually that dim. Red Blades just responded in a nice way.
  25. Are you really that dense? If you truly believe that your request ‘please explain how a road …’ is a reasoned response based on Red Blades suggestion, you, fellow poster, are an extremely dim bulb. My hope is that you are just being stubborn and are not actually that stupid.
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