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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. Uh, what? I’m consistently impressed by people’s ability to read and comprehend things that are not actually written. No idea what Ragusin said. And I can see where the PSU fans were coming from. The constant delayed return to center. The shoves near end.
  2. Very vocal during and post Messenbrink match. JB give them reason? King of our sport deserve it?
  3. Better than not having info on the semi big screen. But their use of the space on the screen stinks. Too much white / dead space. Could have increased fonts by a lot using a better layout. I’m kinda nit picking and whining. I know.
  4. Cox has something wrong. He is struggling making way to exit. Grimacing. Something wrong.
  5. It is about half full. Crazy. Maybe session 2 in evening will be more full.
  6. I’m going to vent. Parking situation was freaking piss poor. Long long lines of cars barely moving. 45 minutes of slow car moving to get into a parking lot. In venue, can not see scores on two mats. Sitting in a ‘corner’ of the arena. Can see scores for nearest two mats but far mats have boars arrayed so as not to be able to see them. At KC for NCAAs, digital banner around arena showed who was wrestling on which mat … and the score. Digital banner here just tells us we are at the trials.
  7. Your schtick is …. Ummmm … weird (?)
  8. Ok. I bet you. Done. FYI Carr dropped out.
  9. Kyle seemed to be very close with his dad. His dad dying recently is a big big deal. I feel for Kyle as a person. No idea how this will impact him. Perhaps negatively for obvious reasons. Perhaps it could help .. you hear stories of people doing their best to pay tribute to a lost loved one. Who knows though.
  10. Wait … did Carter actually refer to his d!k in that reply? Saying it grew so he is heavy? Wait? What? Ok - there is finesse when it comes to social media (a la example from JB) and there is ignorant trolling and there is crude slop. Carter seems to be on the crude slop side at this time.
  11. Imagine PD3 actually shows up and wrestles?!?! That would be a surprise. Now — wait for it — imagine PD3 actually beats Carter!!! Oh my … the amount of sh&t talking would be monumental. Not sure this would be recoverable. Every time Carter would attempt to talk trash, this loss would be thrown in his face. It won’t happen … but damn if it does.
  12. FRL on Monday - Pyles provides more thinking saying he is hearing OK State is considering options. Ben seems to be on board with doing some deeper thinking on the next HC. Not Coleman next topic. Anyone feel Pyles is simply making this all up? Or have any info suggesting that OK State is actually considering anyone beyond Coleman?
  13. Mitchell vs Meyer. Wanted this to happen a few weeks ago. Hoping this happens in a few days!! Should be fun!
  14. Ahahahaha. Folks see Burroughs post on the Flo instagram on Star going 86kg? ‘Gonna be hard to end my career up there champ’ Amusing. Burroughs does well with this social media stuff.
  15. So the cynical view of dropping weights between NCAAs and OTTs has proven correct. No go for Vito or Starocci. Makes complete sense. Anyone actually able to make a big cut from NCAAs?
  16. My brain gets twisted on the weights with auto semifinalists. If someone sees brackets, pls post. Thanks all.
  17. No idea if true. But I wonder about quality of life in NYC. If similar pay some may feel life is way better in a less expensive locale. Family preferences can impact things as well. There is a lot that goes into having a happy life.
  18. Ha! I think The concepts of Dark Energy and Dark Matter suggest that our theories (the key being General Relativity) are good theories but are missing something. I don’t know what. But I’m thinking it isn’t these invisible, mostly non-interacting plugs. I feel like they are a cop out. But for now, Dark Energy is the most prevalent ‘thing’ in the Universe per the most accepted university theories!!
  19. Often, we get some real surprises happen at OTTs. Not always but cool when it occurs. Some folks that make the team that are not the establishment. Feeling like our established guys are kinda old. I’d enjoy seeing some new blood. Question is who? While Dake and Burroughs seem like a big climb, 74kg has some amazing young guns. Can Alirez break through at 65kg? Many will say odds are very low. Hoping for someone to shock. Who would you predict or like to see do it?
  20. Deflect and weave. Common tactic. Like I said, reread the posts. All is quite clear.
  21. As mentioned, I get your perspective on the content you reacted to. All fair. You keep saying I’m being arrogant. Ok. I felt your original post was quite arrogant. And quite arrogant to assume I was CP based on so little information. So there.
  22. The chuckle was from you thinking I’m CP. And now, I’m guessing, that to feel confident enough to repeat your hypothesis, you must have taken a moment to review my past posts. I will admit that I’m very curious to hear how you connected these dots. And to some of your other points … read the title of this thread. You’re telling me that the title of this thread mixed with your initial post isn’t an attack on Pyles? Sure it is, you can admit it. I’ll respect you more if you do. By the way, as you review my past posts, you’ll see I enjoyed KC very much. Hoping more NCAAs are held there!
  23. In interview, Bo says he is going to make all the haters love him. He is being patient, keep fighting better guys. Will get to top.
  24. Net net, he was not comfortable in on the feet exchanges.
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